erotic book - Little Brother's Big Thing by Lee Schlangen

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Re: erotic book - Little Brother's Big Thing by Lee Schlange

Post by admin » 22 Feb 2016 15:10

Chapter 6
There was one more moment of panic before I got into the shower. Actually, I wasn't quite out of the
sun porch. I was scurrying along as fast as I could go on all fours with my butt in the air when I thought I
heard the hall door open and close.
Good God! I thought. They're going to see me this way! And then, I thought I locked that! ... Oh, of
course. Will had to unlock it to get out.
I made it into the bathroom without whoever it was seeing me. And nobody called to me or anything, so
I decided they must have gone away. That didn't mean I wasn't careful when I finished drying off. I
wrapped our biggest towel around me and scampered around getting my clothes. But if anybody had
come in, they were gone.
I had to go to work before Mark got home from fishing. And he was asleep by the time I got home at
twelve-thirty Sunday morning. I'd had my usual ring-around-the-rosy, trying to keep out of Duane's
reach. It would have been nice to have somebody's shoulder to cry on.
So I climbed into bed and tried to pretend the pillow was Eric's shoulder and he'd get up and go over to
Duane's apartment and call him into the hallway and beat the shit out of him. By the time I'd run that one
through with six different kinds of variations it was a dream instead of daydreaming and it was morning
and time to get up. Gunner was right there when I rolled out of bed and pulled off my pajamas, but the
first time he shoved his nose at me I put him straight.
"What are you? Some kind of fiend or something? You're crazy as hell if you think you're going to drag
me all over the floor again! Shove off, buster!"
Mark showed up at the door to his bedroom, his hair all tousled and his eyes mattering. "Who ya talkin'
to, sis? Somebody been dragging you someplace."
"Oh, for heaven's sake! Go wash your face with cold water! You're not even awake yet, Marky!"
"Nmmph! ... Guess not. Woulda swore I heard you talking to somebody, though."
I had to giggle, he looked so awful. He turned around, then stopped.
"Funny, sis. Shoulda heard Eric last night."
"Huh! What about Eric? What about him?"
"Jeez, you shoulda heard him. Nancy made some kinda crack and he looks up from his plate an' says,
'Were you there?' So she turns red an' says, 'Me? A place like that?' all snotty-like. An' he says, 'Well,
how do you know, then? Ought to watch out; they've got laws about talking about people.' She's fit to
be tied, but Will-y'know, he's kind of a slob, sis-anyhow, Will grins around a big mouthful o' spaghetti
an' says, 'Yeah, man! Only ain't no sweat! Y'oughta seen her when ...'"
I just about died right there. I knew what Will could tell them!
But Mark went on. "All of a sudden Will quit talkin'. Eric's starin' at 'im real quiet, like he's got an
iceberg up 'is butt. An' when Will's voice peters out, Eric says, 'Sometimes they don't have time for the
law to settle loose talk. Sometimes somebody just gets tired of a big-mouth and does something about it
on the spot.' An' then he looks down at his plate an' mutters. Maybe he wants me to hear, I don't know.
He says, 'Seems like she's a damn sight better than most; at least she doesn't have a mouthful of garbage
to tell about everybody else."
"He said that? Marky, he really said that?"
"Yeah. Too low for anybody else but me to hear. But he said it."
Well, let me tell you! I was floating on air! When I started downstairs and Duane stuck his head out into
the hall and asked me if today was the day I just told him to go fuck himself and kept right on going. I
couldn't help hearing his voice, though, all low and poisonous.
"Can't help feeling this is going to be the day," he murmured. "Got to get rid of some of that sass."
There was something utterly self-confident ringing in his voice, as if he already had me all tied up in his
apartment. It was such a distinct quality I shivered all over. And there was Eric, right at the bottom of the
stairs! I was running down them so fast I nearly ran over him. He reached out as if he thought he was
going to have to catch me, but when he saw I wasn't going to lose my balance he pulled his hand back.
"Kill yourself that way, someday." He growled at me.
"Eric!" I was all out of breath and scared. "Eric, please!" Even then I didn't dare say anything louder than
a whisper.
"What? What's wrong?"
"I ... Duane ... I mean ..." I kept trying to catch my breath.
He seemed to be withdrawing. I mean, he didn't really move or anything, but it was like pulling a shell
shut around himself. Maybe that was what Mark had meant when he'd said "an iceberg up his butt."
I tried again. "He's going to do something awful! Eric, he really is! I have to keep running away from him
at the alleys and he just said ... I mean ..." I got hold of myself and made the words quit tumbling over
each other. "Eric, he did! He just stuck his head out and whispered something about today was the day!
He's going to! ..."
He didn't even let me finish. His face twisted up as if he were having some kind of argument with himself.
"Jesus, Lee!" He looked disgusted. "You, too? Why don't you stop being a cashier and start writing
"ERIC!" I felt like he'd kicked me in the belly.
"I suppose Fowler's a white slaver or something! For God's sake, Lee, get a hold of yourself! He's got a
responsible job! Think he's going to flush it down the tubes just like that?" He snapped his fingers.
"But, Eric! ..." I didn't try to say any more. He was the one person at Ma Conner's who could really hurt
me. And he just had.

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Re: erotic book - Little Brother's Big Thing by Lee Schlange

Post by admin » 22 Feb 2016 15:12

Chapter 7
I didn't even eat breakfast. I simply went back to my room and cried. Maybe it isn't worth fighting, I
thought. Why the hell make Duane mad at me when he's my boss? He might give me a raise or
something if I put out. I shivered and sat up. You know why you fight, don't you, Lee! Because you're
scared to death of him! Because he's not just talking about balling you ... not that sonofabitch!
Just about that time, Mark came back from breakfast and said something about going out to kick around
a football with some of the kids. Said he wouldn't be in until about lunch time. So I reminded him how it
pissed Ma off for anybody to be late for a meal and he took off.
About fifteen or twenty minutes later, Will was knocking at the door. "Hey! That kid brother of yours!
He's in deep shit, Lee! You better come quick!"
"Where? What's the matter with him? What is it, Will?"
"Come on! Don't yak about it all day!"
I rushed after him, slamming the door on the way through. "Will! What is it?"
"Something of Duane's ... Duane thinks he took it. Says he's gonna get to th' bottom of it if he has to skin
'im alive!"
"That lousy bastard! Mark wouldn't take anything!"
We were already at Duane's door ... it was only the length of the hall from mine. Will hung back, but I
didn't. I yanked the door open and burst into the room.
"Where is he?" I yelled. Christ, I was scared! ... And mad! "Where's Mark, you bastard?"
Duane pretended to be completely innocent. "What? God, Lee, control yourself!"
"Where is he, damn you? Where is he?" I was beside myself by then, and his bland grin infuriated me. I
decided I wasn't going to take any more of that shit. I threw myself on him, kicking and clawing. "Get
him out here! You sonofabitch, get him out here!"
Well, he was a lot stronger than me. I don't know if I hurt him at all. And all of a sudden I was on the
floor with him sitting on top of me. I mean, he didn't hit me or anything ... just threw me on the floor, face
down, and sat on the middle of my back. He jerked my hands behind me and tied them. I don't even
know what with. He tied each wrist to my belt and then got up and pulled me to my feet.
"You sassy little shit!" He snarled at me. "What the hell do you mean busting in here and attacking me?"
"I did not! You've got ..."
"DON'T STAND THERE AND LIE!" He shouted and I shut up. "For Christ's sake, I've got a
witness!" And he turned to where Will was standing just inside the door. "Isn't that what she did, Will?"
"Yeah!" Will grinned and licked his lips. "Sure did!"
"Okay. Just remember that." Duane went over to Will and took something out of his pocket. He handed
it to Will. "Now, get lost."
Will looked startled, "What! I'm gonna ..."
Duane just looked at him, real deadly-like. "Gonna haul-ass! That's what you're going to do! NOW,
Will took off as if he thought Duane was about to set him on fire. And Duane shut the door and bolted it.
He turned around and grinned at me. "Well, let's talk about it, baby.
What was it you wanted to see me about?"
"Where's Mark? Damn it, where is he?"
"How the hell should I know? Think I keep track of every pimply-faced kid in town?"
Maybe I'm stupid or something. It hadn't really hit me until then. That dirty, rotten Will had sold out!
He'd let the establishment use him! ... For a price, he'd run Duane's errand, and here I was!
"Ohhh! ... Oh, you lousy, sneaky bastard! It was all a trap!"
"Really? My, my."
He came toward me and I backed up. I bumped into a little gate-leg table and didn't have anyplace to
go. He just kept coming toward me.
"Funny. I said I thought today was the day." He grinned and took hold of me. "Turn around."
Like hell I will! I thought. Anything you get from me you're going to have to work for! I was afraid to say
it out loud, but he couldn't keep me from thinking it.
So he whirled me around and mashed the fronts of my thighs against the end of the table. He grabbed a
handful of hair at the back of my head and bent me forward. He didn't really slam me down on the table;
he just kept pushing until I lost my balance and lay on my face. And he hung onto my hair, holding my
head down, while he walked around me.
He untied one hand from my belt and jerked my arm around so my hand was at the edge of the table,
right by the corner, and tied it. I still wasn't sure what he was using; I couldn't really see. But I wasn't
fighting, either. I knew how badly he could hurt me if he wanted to. He stretched my other arm out the
same way and tied it to the other corner. And I couldn't quite reach the floor with my feet. Oh, I could
touch it with my toes, but I couldn't get my feet on it solidly enough to move.
"Okay, baby!" God, what a note of triumph he had in his voice! "Okay, baby! Now let's see how sassy
you are!"
I sort of whimpered. "Please, Duane! Leave me alone! Let me go!"
"You're just saying that," he said.
He forced his hands under me and mauled my boobs. I mean, he got one hand under my chest and lifted
and then got both hands under my boobs and started squeezing and playing with them. I kicked and
squirmed, but it wasn't any use.
"You dirty shit!" I yelled at him. "Get your Goddamn hands off my tits!"
He pulled one hand loose and smacked me in the mouth. I groaned and clamped my stinging lips
together. I was right! He sure as hell could hurt me if he wanted to!
Keep your stupid mouth shut, Lee! I told myself. Just keep it shut!
So he burrowed his hand back under me and started unbuttoning my blouse. When he had it
unbuttoned, he flipped it over my head and unfastened my bra. He broke the shoulder straps and pulled
the useless garment out from under me so my bare tits were resting right on the table! Flattened out on it,
of course.
"Duane ... please? Please don't do whatever you're thinking about! ...
"Aw, come on, Lee. You know you just can't wait until I get down to the nitty-gritty."
"Oh, please, Duane!"
"Honey, by the time we get through here you're going to be begging me not to stop."
I was so scared the tears were making a pool on the table under my face. He might do anything! He
might even kill me to keep me from talking! And I didn't want to die!
The next thing he did was unzip my skirt. It wasn't easy to work it over my hips with my butt sticking out
the way it did, I suppose, but it didn't take him very long. And there I was in my panties and pantyhose
(I don't know about anybody else, but when I wear pantyhose I wear panties over them. I mean, a girl
looks so naked in pantyhose! And he pulled my panties off without any waste of time at all.
He took his time with the pantyhose. He rolled them back over my ass like every square inch of those
pink, round, smooth ass-cheeks was something to gloat over. And he kept running his fingers over the
flesh as he uncovered it. When he got the nylon below the depressions where my buttocks cupped in to
my thighs, he paused and slid his fingers onto the hair that covered my pussy-lips.
"Nice, Lee! I was afraid you'd been using that thing so much it would be all sloppy and loose. Got a
nice, tight little cunt there."
"Oooh! You wouldn't talk like that if there was anybody cared what happened to me!"
"Oh, Lee! How you do carry on! You know how much I care!"
"A lot you care, you big prick!"
I shouldn't have said that. He must have wound up over by the Missouri river, the way he whacked my
ass! The slap sounded like dropping a pallet of lumber! And my legs flew out straight and my head
jerked up and I let out a yell.
"I don't like a lot of yelling," he said. "Every time you let out a yell, I'm going to clout you one.
Understand?" And he blasted me on the ass again.
I couldn't help it! Honest to Jesus, I couldn't! I knew I mustn't make a sound, but it came welling into my
throat and burst between my clenched teeth anyhow! So he hit me again and I let out one more yell.
"Sonofabitch!" he said, as if he were talking to himself. "Doesn't learn very fast! Well, I'll put that off for
a few minutes."
Instead of smacking me again, he got the pantyhose the rest of the way off. And for a minute, nothing
"Shit!" He sounded disgusted. "Got you on there wrong."
He untied one of my hands and moved it over where the other one was, then tied it up again. And he
untied the other and manhandled me around so I was lying across the table with my arms stretched just
about straight out to either side. My head was hanging over the edge, unless I held it up. And while he
was moving me, he got the blouse off my arms. That left me entirely naked. And the fronts of my thighs
were still tight against an edge, only at the side instead of the end.
He tied my ankles, then. He stretched my legs apart until I thought he was going to split me right up the
middle and tied them to the table legs. And then he came around in front of me and started taking off his
He was dark-skinned. I don't know if he was part Indian or part Mexican or what. But his skin was
pretty dark and he always gave me the feeling he was some kind of foreigner. It wasn't just suntan. He
wasn't white anyplace! He didn't have a whole lot of hair on his body, either. He had real thick, black
hair on his head-all wavy and greasy. But not very much on his chest or belly. But it was like a forest at
his crotch! God! Black and thick and curly and as stiff-looking as horse hair! And so much on his balls I
could hardly see any skin at all! And a big, dark, gleaming cock-shaft. His cockhead-the foreskin, I
mean-was even darker and twice as big around! And all blunt and ugly at the front.
It was wet and slimy-a great, big, ugly hard-on with slimy juice on the front. If I hadn't been so helpless I
know I wouldn't have thought of it that way; I'd have been all shivery and excited and itching to get hold
of it! But it was different, being in the position I was.
He came toward me real slow, hanging onto his dick with one hand and pointing it at me like a firehose.
He waved it back and forth a little bit, real gently, like a snake weaving its head from side to side. And it
sort of hypnotized me. I couldn't take my eyes off it. I held my head up with my neck aching from the
strain and let my eyes move back and forth following the weaving of that blunt, hooded, wet, ugly
cockhead. And he pushed it right in my face!
All I did was shut my eyes when he touched them with the tip. The foreskin opened like a round mouth,
thick-rimmed and a little wrinkled and almost black-and glistening with its coating of wetness. And he
poked it right at my eyes. I shut them while he rubbed it across them. The juice stayed. It coated my
eyelashes and covered my lids like a thick, sticky snail track. And he kept rubbing it back and forth and
around in little circles until he'd spread the gluey substance thick and even over my eyebrows and cheek
bones and everything between them.
When he started stroking it down on the softer parts of my cheeks, I got up the nerve to open my eyes.
They didn't open easily; it really was sticky! But they did come open. And I think he was watching them,
because as soon as I was looking again, he started pulling his foreskin back. He didn't stop brushing me
with that fat, hot bulb, but he did start stripping back the thick, heavy hood that had covered it.
Honest to God, that cockhead was as black as ebony! It was round and full and its surface was all kind
of velvety with a real fine tracery of lines and had a thick layer of that thick goo on it. And he kept
smearing the goo all over my face. He shoved the end of the head against one of my nostrils and kind of
twisted it, as if he meant to fuck me right up my nose. And then he did the same thing to the other
nostril. When he slid the slick bulb to one side and bored it against my cheek, the fumes in my nose
swirled up into my head and hung there.
It was a strong, pungent, exciting odor. It halfway made me forget how scared I was of him. It made me
tingle and sort of took my breath away. And I gasped for air.
The instant my mouth opened, he was stroking the velvety, slimy dome over my lips and coating the
surfaces of my front teeth with the stuff. I finally came out of my trance. I jerked my head aside and
gagged at the fierce flavor.
It didn't seem to bother him. He jabbed his cockhead right into my ear, really pushing it and twisting at
the same time, and I felt the juice pushing inward and heard the roaring of his pulse as it beat in the
monstrous, persistent cockhead. Naturally, I wrenched away from that, swinging my head the other way.
And of course, he stuck his prick into my other ear!
Something about the sudden dulling of my hearing frightened me. I didn't want him poking his old cock in
my mouth; that was too degrading when somebody forced a person. But that was all. I knew what a
mouthful of cockhead felt like, and I enjoyed it when it was my own idea. Getting fucked in the ears was
something else! I mean, what if he blew off and shot his cum in there? With all the pressure he could
generate, he might burst an eardrum and squirt my brains full of it!
So I faced him and let him hold the warm, spongy mass right on my lips. And I even parted them a little
bit so I could taste that powerful flavor again.
"Go ahead, baby!" His voice taunted me. "Go ahead! Get a good mouthful!
Won't find one as good as this one every day!"
I sucked at the tip. I lipped it like I would an ice cream cone and even touched it with the tip of my
tongue. It was good! And if I kept him thinking about how good it felt when I kissed it, maybe he
wouldn't hurt me!
I worked my lips a little further onto it and caressed the rounded, blunt dome with my tongue.
"NNNNNHH! ... That's fine, sugar! ... Just fine!"
If I could just keep him liking it! I slipped my tongue around onto the underside and jabbed it at his slit,
the rolled, hard edges feeling like wet glass rods. A drop of warm, acrid-tasting fluid oozed onto my
tongue and I drew it back and swallowed. My lips extended and I forced my jaws apart, inviting him to
stick the whole bulging cockhead into my mouth.
He did. He pushed it forward past my teeth and onto the broad surface of my tongue until it blocked the
arch at the front of my throat. I closed my lips around the neck of his cock-shaft. With a hard gulp, I
began sucking. At first, there was a regular spout of man-juice into my throat. I swallowed and sucked,
my tongue pushing at the underside of the thick, meaty knob. And his hips sort of jerked back and forth,
bumping the end of his cockhead against the back of my mouth and stretching the opening to my throat.
For the moment I wasn't doing something I was being forced into. The back of my jaw buzzed and my
mouth puckered and excitement made my tits hot against the table. I wanted that dick! I wanted its
warmth and thickness and pressure in my mouth! I wanted it all the way down in my belly, right down
my throat!
I sucked furiously, my lips tugging and my jaw propped open by its burden. Duane kept surging at me,
the wonderful, smooth, wedging bulb of his cockhead advancing thousandths of an inch at a time along
the tube of my throat. Getting it past the archway-getting the ridged shoulders of that enormous, choking
bulb from the back of my mouth into the cavity of my throat-was the hardest part. But it sort of popped
through between the violent swallowing I was doing. And then it was easy. I couldn't breathe very well;
the air passage was too constricted for much air to pass at once, but I wasn't suffocating.
And I kept sucking and swallowing and he kept pushing. It did hurt some-a good hurt-but the way it
swelled my throat and filled me made it a glorious, unforgettable experience! I kept feeling the smooth,
ribbed hardness of his cock-shaft sliding in between my encircling lips and over my tongue and saw that
black, matted, wiry brush of pubic hair getting closer and closer to my face. And I kept sucking harder
and swallowing oftener.
At last, my nose was buried in his pubic hair! New, biting odors assailed me and there was a fabulous
sensation where his cockhead had passed the hollow where my collar bones join together. I was
breathing air filtered through inches of close-woven hair, as if through steel wool, and all his body odors
were coming in with it. And I was in a state of utter bliss!
He sounded like he was in some kind of state, too. "UNNNHHH! ...
He didn't have to urge me. I was gobbling as hard as I could. But he didn't really want to go all the way
that way. He had other things in mind and didn't want to get side-tracked. So he didn't cum that way.
Just when everything was perfect-when his brutal, gorgeous, mammoth cockhead had settled into place
between my lungs so it felt marvelously warm and comfortable to me-he started pulling it out again. If I
could have cried, I would! I did all I could. I swallowed desperately and hung on with my lips and
sucked fiercely, but it kept pulling up my throat and out of my mouth. And pretty soon the shoulders
were at the archway and stretching it and popping through and I didn't have his peter in my throat any
He didn't even let me keep it in my mouth! And I didn't dare bite down to hold it. I mean, bite a guy's
dick and he's just as likely as not to kill you right then and there! So I had to whimper my
disappointment and let him pull it clear out. And all I could do was lick my lips for the last of the goodies.
"Goddamn!" He sounded awed. "First time that ever happened! You've really got an educated throat,
kid! Getting a dick all the way in! Jee-Zus!"
I couldn't talk. I don't know what had happened, but I didn't have any voice. No voice at all! Just a
wheezing of air when I tried to say something.
You bastard! I thought. Duane Fowler, if you let me squash my voice box trying to get that cock into my
stomach, I'll put ground glass in your soup tonight!
I don't think he realized there was any problem. He got my face in his hands and mauled it a little, as if it
were a boob, and chuckled with a dirty kind of tone. "Hey, you're the dumb twat who did all the yelling!
And I said you were going to get cracked for every yell, didn't I!"
So he went around to the other side of the table behind me and laid his hand on my ass. I mean, there it
was, two full, plump, pink-and-white, smooth ass-cheeks staring him in the face. And all that valley
between them, and glossy brown hair only half hiding the wet, shiny, quivering pussy-lips. Enough to
make a man's mouth water! And all he's thinking about is clobbering me! I thought.
He did! Oh, Jesus, did he hit me! The flat of his hand, swinging like a baseball bat, right onto one side of
my butt! And I hadn't really believed he was going to do it, so I hadn't tightened up or anything!
EEEYYYOOOWWWEEE! I shrieked in my mind. I opened my mouth all the way and forced air over
my voice box for a horrible scream, but there wasn't even a squeak.
"Hey! You for real, Lee?"
I let my head drop so my chin was against the dropped table leaf. I couldn't even answer a question like
"You for real, kid? You really got the guts to take that without a whimper?"
He hauled off and smashed one to the other cheek. Christ, it bounced my whole body! And I tried again
to scream and couldn't!
He whistled. "Whewee! Sonofabitch! You're tough as nails! Never would have believed it!"
But he quit hitting me. Maybe it wasn't any fun when I wasn't screaming and begging him to stop.
Damn him! He just started pawing those poor, smarting, upthrust ass-cheeks! Well, maybe it wasn't all
that bad. I mean, he could have been beating on them. And with him rubbing and stroking and all, they
did stop stinging pretty fast. Trouble was, they were sensitized until you wouldn't have believed it! And
every movement of his fingers made me tingle all over! Shivers were running right straight around the
humps into my pussy!
But he didn't seem to care whether I liked it or not. He was just interested in his own kicks. After he'd
been rubbing for awhile he started squeezing the soft, full-packed flesh. And he got one ass-check in
each hand, clutching it real tight, and started wiggling them around all over my ass! I mean, he'd push
them toward one side and then the other-or up toward my back or down toward my thighs. And then
he'd pull them apart until my anus popped open and felt like it was tearing apart!
I was trying to groan so he'd know it was hurting, but I still wasn't getting anything but a thin kind of
squeak. And he thought I ought to be making all kinds of noise. "Goddamn it, woman! Make a noise!
You a fucking iceberg or something?" And he snapped my ass-cheeks apart with a brutal shove. "Say
something, you ignorant cunt!"
I guess I made him mad by keeping quiet. He went over to his clothes and pulled his belt out of his
pants. And he looked at me with a real ugly stare.
"Go ahead and be stubborn, dummy! See how you like this!"
I did everything I could to let him know. With my arms clear out along the edge of the table, stretched so
my shoulders already hurt, I couldn't push myself up very far. But I raised my shoulders by arching my
back-got them up so far I felt my boobies unflatten and the nipples come out to the table edge-and held
my head up and made an awful face and tried to tell him my voice was gone. And I shook my head and
trembled all over! But he didn't want to understand me; I know!
He went back around me and nothing happened for a minute. I cringed and kept my ass as tight as I
could and shook and waited. And still nothing happened. And just when the muscles relaxed in my
buttocks, he slashed his belt down on them.
Oh, Christ! I thought. Oh, Jesus Christ, what agony! NO, NO, DUANE! NOT AGAIN!
He hit me again, the fiery pain shooting like a great spear through my body and exploding like fireworks
at the top of my head. I kicked against the lashings at my ankles and twisted my torso.
"THWACK!" went the belt, curling around the mounds of my ass onto the side of my hip.
EEEYYYRIGGHHH! went the scream in my head.
as if it were splitting wide open and my ass felt like he was burning gasoline on it.
He just kept hitting me! LOVE OF JESUS, DUANE! my mind kept saying.
The end of the belt kept curling around me and snapping on my tortured, quivering flesh with a loud
"thunk!" And when he got tired of beating my buttocks he started on my thighs. That was even worse!
When he did that, the tip of the belt snapped on the inner sides of the jerking, writhing columns! And a
couple of times the whole strip of leather curled right across my pussy-lips! I thought for sure I was
going to faint, then.
And everything started getting mixed up inside me. I mean, I didn't know the difference between pain
and pleasure any more. And I felt like I was going to come! But he quit beating me before I did. And he
came around in front of me and stared into my face with the oddest expression!
"I'll be a sonofabitch!" he exclaimed kind of softly. "Not one Goddamn yell! You're absolutely fantastic!
Nobody would ever believe that!"
I was so weak I just let my neck go limp and hung my head. I could feel the edge of the table cutting into
my boobs-my nipples were just peeping over it at me. But it wasn't even discomfort; it was just pressure.
He went back around me and started grubbing his fist in my gaping, soaking-wet pussy-lips, his knuckles
grinding into the pulpy, swollen flesh and digging at the rubbery, gulping rim of my cunt-mouth. My hips
jerked in spite of me, bouncing my raw, burning ass and bumping my belly against the table.
He got hold of my clit and twisted it one way, then the other. I practically floated right off the table! And
all of a sudden something started working in my throat again.
He doubled his fist and ground it up and down the floor of my gaping, inflamed slit.
"Hey, Lee! By God, you do make noises! Good for you!"
I felt nothing more for a moment, and then the broad, rounded, hot dome of his cockhead was poking
against my cunt-mouth. It pushed inward, slipping against the wet, hungry edges of the ring and filling me
with ecstasy.
"Ooooooh, yeesss ...! Aaahhhhh ..."
"Like that! Like that? Tell me!"
"Ooooh, yes! ... I like that!"
"So what do you want me to do? Tell me!"
"UNNHHH ... Stick it in, Duane! Stick it all the way in!"
"Naw, that isn't the way to say it. Come on!"
"Stick it in! Ram me with it! Duane, FUCK ME!"
"Aha! That's more like it. Do what?"
"Once more, cunt-mouth!"
He plunged his cock into me. No, he didn't plunge it into me, he blasted it into me as if he'd hit the back
of it with a sledge hammer. The head was an enormous, blunt-nosed artillery shell and the shaft was a
huge, hard, rigid cylinder behind it, and the gun had just fired and the whole thing exploded right into my
cunt-mouth! His cockhead surged up the core of my belly, scattering organs and stretching walls. The
shaft sawed across the rim of my cunt-mouth, heating it with the speed of its entry. And the base of his
cock was a great, broad-faced hammerhead smashing the pulp of my pussy-lips.
Pump, pump, pump ...! Bang-bang-bang! Every blow made my head jump as if it were on the end of a
whip. My shoulders bulged with the strain and I felt the tendons on the inner sides of my thighs standing
out like taut guitar strings. My cunt gummed the surging cock and my belly churned and seethed around
the plunging piston that was his cockhead.
He grabbed my ass again and jammed my belly down fiercely against the table, holding my twat
perfectly still. There was no give at all, now, as he blasted into me. The whole table shuddered with
every crash of his groin on my pussy. He battered me until I knew I was going to be black and blue.
And without warning, he jerked that beautiful, hot, bulging cock out of me.
"JESUS CHRIST!" I shrieked at him. "Put it in! FUCK ME, YOU SONOFABITCH!
His cock had to be covered with all my cunt-juice. The layers were hanging from it in streamers! And he
shoved that cruel, lemon-sized cockhead board against my bunghole.
I trembled all over; I'd had it up the ass the day before! And Will's dong was like somebody's little finger
compared with the fully-developed, iron-stiff, club-headed pecker Duane was going to ram up me!
He pushed my buttocks apart until I thought I could hear my ass tearing in two. And he pushed his cock.
Oh, Christ, how he pushed on that cock! My sphincter stretched and thinned and burned like wildfire!
There was a "POP" I swear I heard! And that hideous fist of spongy meat was inside my ass! His shaft
was right behind it, shoving with all the force of his straining hips. His cockhead reamed my gut,
straightening the twisted intestine as it plunged up into me. I felt so full I gagged; I thought maybe some
of the displaced organs were going to squirt out my mouth!
And he sawed back and forth, his shaft rubbing in and out through that taut, sticky ring that had been a
nice, tight asshole. Too much had happened to me on that table for the pain to stay with me very long.
My sex-crazed body humped and flailed in its bonds and my belly pounded the hard surface beneath it.
My thighs battered at the hanging leaf and my head came up.
"UNNHHH!" He was making noises, too! It must be pinching hell out of that dick! "UNNHHH! ...
Everything that had happened to me in his apartment boiled up in me at once. My excitement shook me
like a giant fist and a horrible knot of pleasure hardened in my belly. I stiffened, thrusting outward at my
bonds and screaming senselessly. The knot burst and convulsive spasms racked me. My asshole
clamped viciously on the plunging cock and Duane's fingertips bit into my ass-cheeks.
He'd hit his orgasm, too! I felt his cum boiling into me and pooling in my gut-a great, buried lake of liquid
fire! I kicked at the knots that held me and twisted from side to side while my pleasure tore at my
tendons and crushed my muscles. My throat ached from my moans.
At last I began to quiet. And the terrible, gigantic shaft that seemed to split my ass began to shrink. I fell
limply against the table, drained of feeling or emotion. Whatever he meant to do now would be nothing
compared to what he'd already done to me. I'd never be the same Lee Schlangen again; I hated him so
fiercely I practically loved him. Maybe he'd been right. Maybe I would beg him to fuck me!
He dragged his wilted cock out of me and left me alone while he went somewhere to wash. When he
came back, he didn't say anything right away, just began to untie me. And when I was standing weakly
before him, clinging to the table for support, he stared at me. His eyes were dull and his mouth was sort
of loose.
"Well ... You got any of that Goddamn sass left in you, Lee?" he asked.
"Fuck you!" I whispered hoarsely. "Fuck you, Duane Fowler!"
He made half a grin. "You already did."
"And stick your lousy job up your ass! I don't want any part of it."
His voice was absolutely dead. "Take the day off. You'll feel more like working tomorrow."
"Tomorrow's my day off, prick!"
"Oh, yeah. Well, take today off, too."
And he picked up my clothes and handed them to me.

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Re: erotic book - Little Brother's Big Thing by Lee Schlange

Post by admin » 22 Feb 2016 15:12

Chapter 8
He hardly looked at me while I was getting dressed. I might as well have been a punching bag. The
sonofabitch. That's the trouble with most men; the only thing a woman's any good for is punching their
dick into. When they've got their load off, they couldn't care less!
I got out of there as fast as I could. My bra wasn't any good without the shoulder straps, and I carried it
in my hand. There wasn't anybody in the hall and I just went down it to my apartment. I was inside but
hadn't quite got the door shut when I heard that whiny, super-perfect voice of Nancy's. I stopped to
"... Right in his apartment! Alone!"
I poked my head out to see who she was talking to. The hallway was still empty, but I realized Eric's
door was open and her voice was coming from there.
Eric's voice cut in, icy and calm. "You there?" he asked.
"I just told you she was in there alone with him!"
"Then get lost. I won't listen to back fence gossip.
There was a sort of pause. When Nancy spoke again, she sounded reluctant.
"Well ... well, I..." And then her words tumbled over each other. "I did see them! There's a sort of angle
where the porch roof ..."
"You spied on Duane."
"Welllll ... Eric, it was awful! She let him tie her out on the table!
And she did terrible things! She was like a wild woman! She even ..."
"GET ... OUT ... OF ... HERE! NOW!!!"
I hardly had time to get out of sight. I closed my door almost all the way ... just left it open a crack so I
could peek. And Nancy backed out of Eric's apartment with her face the color of a ripe tomato. She
was stammering and trying to make him listen, but his door shut right in her face. So she whirled around
and stomped down the hall to the stairs. She shot a black look toward my door and disappeared.
Eric's door opened again and he came out. He stood there for a minute looking toward Duane's
apartment, then mine. And finally he came toward me. I shut the door in a panic. What was I going to
do? I leaped across to my bed and shoved my bra under the pillow and Eric was already knocking.
I tried to keep from shaking as I went to the door.
"Lee, I ..." He hesitated while he studied me.
My mouth felt dry and stiff. I couldn't even smile. And Eric looked terribly uncomfortable.
"I ... Look, Lee. I'm sorry about what I said downstairs this morning.
What ... How did it happen?"
"Would you like to come in?" I stammered. When I saw his glance go around the bedroom I added
quickly, "To the sun porch, I mean. It's the only living room Mark and I have."
"Oh. Well ..."
I stepped back, hoping. I felt as if my heart were going to jump right out of my chest while I wondered if
he'd accept the invitation.
"Well ... yes."
I led him through the bedroom. I was ashamed of the mess it was in but he didn't seem to notice. The
sun porch looked better and he took one of the rattan armchairs Ma let us have because they were too
beat-up to go anyplace else. For awhile he didn't say anything, just sat with his forearms resting on his
legs and studied me some more.
He finally asked again. "How did it happen?"
"Will. Mark went out to mess around with a football ... some of the kids on the street. Only in a few
minutes Will came and said Duane had him in his apartment ... accusing him of taking something. So I
was scared what Duane would do to him ... I went with Will and ... and ..."
He was mad; I could tell. His lips got tight and pale and a hard, round little lump appeared near the back
of his jaw. His eyes got real narrow, their blue looking icy cold. He started talking, more to himself than
to me. "Been a plain damn fool. Hear stories and think you're shrugging them off for gossip, but they
settle to the bottom and stay there rotting and spoiling everything else." He looked up at my face.
"Remember when I first came here, Lee? ... That time we were going to drive up to Topeka for a steak
Did I remember! You couldn't have reached me with a pole, I was so high then! Only something had
ruined it. He'd said things about an unexpected meeting with the higher-ups, but I'd known he'd begun
hearing those stories. "I remember," I said, my voice kind of chokey.
"I blew that one," he said. "Blew the hell out of it. Look, you think after all this time we might try that
"You ... you really mean that, Eric?" All of a sudden I didn't dare let my voice rise; I had to keep it low
and soft.
"Yeah. The fact is, I've been fighting myself. Hell, Lee, there's something about you ... I mean, it's been
like having something real special right in front of you and being scared to touch it. Everything I see
makes me want you-tells me you're the right girl. And the lousy tongue-waggers kept scaring me off. I'm
sorry! Think maybe you could forget what a Goddamn jerk I've been?"
Omigod! I thought. Omigod, that's right next door to proposing! He's not just talking about a date in
"Eric ... Oh, Eric! I know! I understand, Eric! I'm not mad at you!" But there were things in my
background. Sure, the stories he'd heard were lies, but things had happened that were maybe just as
bad. I felt like I was cutting my heart out and throwing it on the floor, but I had to be fair with him. "Eric,
things do happen to a girl ... I mean ..."
He shrugged and looked me right in the eye. "So?"
He stood up, still staring into my eyes, and I got to my feet and went to him. I think they could have
taken the floor right out from under me without my noticing; my feet didn't even touch it. And there I
was, where I'd wanted to be ever since he'd come to Ma Conner's. His arms were just as big and warm
as I'd dreamed they would be. And he kissed just as hard and gently as he looked like he would.
But it was awful knowing I hadn't even gotten to take a shower since coming away from Duane's
apartment. So I pulled away as soon as that first rush of love eased enough to let me breathe. And I
realized how my boobies were tingling where they'd been crushed against him without a bra to keep
them in.
"I've ... I've got to ..." I stammered, then stopped confusion. How do you tell a man you've got to take a
shower before you can kiss him any more?
I didn't have to. He seemed to have something on his mind. A grim expression came over his face and he
squeezed my shoulders. "Something I've got to do, honey," he said. "Maybe it would be fun to go for a
walk in a little while. See if the cats are jumping clear out of the water like Nigg says."
He meant walking a block to the north edge of town and the half mile or so to the river to see if the
catfish ... Well, anyway, that was a sort of offhand way of saying it was a nice day to spend an hour or
two by the river. And it was!
When he left my apartment he didn't even stop at his; he went right past it to Duane's. And he only had
to knock once before Duane opened the door. Eric didn't say anything I could hear from where I was
peeking through the crack at my door. He just went in with Duane backing away before him. And they
didn't shut the door.
There wasn't any noise I could hear. No crashes or grunts of pain or angry voices. Nothing. And I
realized I was being pretty sneaky to spy on them. So I took the shower I needed so badly. And Eric
came back for me and we went for our walk.

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