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Re: Complicated Love

Posted: 23 Jul 2015 14:01
by sexy
Complicated Love - Chapter 7
Dance Party in Izzy's room! Read Chapter 7 of Complicated Love to find out more! We may see a little green jealousy monster come out of Cameron and of course, some disputes between him and Izzy. Hope you like the Chapter, feel free to comment, I'd love to know your thoughts!
Disclaimer! - Brownstone isn't anywhere specific. I mean it may be a town or city somewhere in the world, but I just came up with the name at random. I want to leave specifics out of the picture, so you guys can imagine those up on your own. Sort of how I don't post pictures of what Izzy, Cam, Grayson or any to the other characters look like because everyone has their own ideas and images in their head and I like letting your imaginations take over little aspects like that! I hope you guys don't mind!


"He was the perfect gentleman, I had a blast!" Jen gushed to Leah, Violet and I at the beginning of lunch. We stood by our lockers and wanted to get all the details of Jen's date.

"Where did he take you?" Violet asked with a big grin on her face.

"Antonio's," Jen beamed. As soon as she said that we all squealed loudly and jumped up and down. The other people around the hallway gave us the dirtiest look but we really didn't care. Antonio's was a really popular restaurant in town, it was also very expensive, so this was a huge deal!

"No fucking way!" Leah said with wide eyes. A teacher was walking past and gave Leah a look that told her to watch her language. She blushed, but as soon as the teacher had passed us she went back to interrogating Jen, "Devin hasn't even taken me there, and we've been dating for a year and four months."

Jen blushed and laughed, "Yeah, it was amazing. He's pretty great too."

"Oh Jen, I'm so happy for you!" I sighed happily and gave her a hug. Then I gave her a sly smile and said, "Did he give you a goodnight kiss?"

Jen blushed even harder and covered her face with her hands.

"YOU TOTALLY KISSED!" Leah said loudly and clapped her hands together. Again, everyone looked at us with annoyed looks.

"Shhh!" Jen said embarrassed, "Yes we kissed, okay? Are you guys happy now?"

"Yes," Violet nodded, "Yes we are."

We all laughed and gave Jen some high-fives before heading to class.


Jen and I were in History class and we were discussing our project that was due at the end of next week.

"We should do it over the long weekend," Jen said, "It's from Friday to Monday, so we have lots of time."

"Actually..." I said and turned to her, "I'm going to be in Brownstone this weekend."

"Brownstone? Why?"

"To look at colleges," I told her, "my brother and Cameron are coming."

"Oh wow, that sounds like a lot of fun," she smiled, "are you driving there?"

Jen knew about my anxiety, she didn't know the extent of it because she had never witnessed any of my really bad ones.

"The guys are," I told her, "But I'm flying."


"Yeah, I'd rather do that than drive," I shrugged and she nodded, "But I'm free tomorrow during the day before my flight, so we could work on it then?"

"Of course, sounds great!" Jen smiled at me and started to tell me more about her date when Cameron came up to us and jumped up to sit on our desks.

I gave him an annoyed look and said, "Um.. hi?"

"Hey Angel," he said and then turned to Jen, "What's up Jen?"

"Nothing really..." she said awkwardly. Obviously, he interrupted our conversation, but he carried on like he didn't.

"Listen, can we not do tutoring this weekend?" He asked me with a smile.

"Why? We can get English started with tonight and then we can do History over the weekend. It'll be perfect timing since we're just going to be in the hotel in the evenings."

"Oh Princess," he laughed softly, "Do you even know me?"

I looked at Jen and she shrugged, "We're going to study Cameron."

"But I made some calls and a few of my buddies at Brownstone University is going to take us to some parties."

"No! Cameron, we aren't going there to party!"

"Maybe you aren't," he rolled his eyes, "Come on, it'll be fun!"






"Izzy," he said harshly and I frowned.

"Cammie," I mocked Amanda's high pitched voice, but he just sat there and rolled his eyes at me again.

"We're going to the parties whether you like it or not."

"Don't I get a say?!"

"Yes, you got your say, but it's three against one, so you lose."

"Three? Cam I thought we studied math last night."

"Yeah, I can count okay?! Me, Gray, and Brittany is three and you are one."

"Brittany is actually coming?!"

"Yup," Grayson popped his head in behind Jen and I with a smug smile.


"Yes Izzy," Grayson replied, "You get your plane ride, and I get to bring Brittany."

"This is so unfair! I get to bring Jen!"

"Dad has booked everything already, so you can't," Grayson said with a laugh but then turned to Jen, "No offense."

"None taken," Jen said with a smile. She was probably amused by our argument, she thought we were always being childish.

"Look Angel, I'm not bringing anyone along, so it's more unfair for me. You get the plane ticket, Grayson gets Brittany... so I should get the parties."

Suddenly the bell rang to notify the end of the day. I looked at the boys who were smirking at each other and I said before walking off, "We'll finish negotiating this later."

I was at my locker collecting up my things for the end of the week. Since it was a long weekend, today was the last day school this week and we'd be back to class on Tuesday. I pulled out all of my textbooks and other important papers that I needed to be able to do my homework and stuffed them into my bag.


I whipped my head around to see Chris leaning against the lockers next to me.

"Hey Chris," I smiled at him.

"How was your day?" He asked. He looked ready for the weekend; his bag was slung over his shoulder and he twirled his car keys around his finger.

"It was good," I shrugged and zipped my bag up, "Yours?"

"All day long I had something bothering me," he frowned.

"Oh? What's bothering you?" I asked concerned.

"The fact that we haven't hung out yet," soon his frown turned into a smile.

I laughed softly and shook my head, "I thought something was seriously wrong!"

"That is a real problem!"

"Oh sure, it is Chris," I giggled and pulled my backpack onto my shoulders.

"Are you free today?" He clasped his hands together in a begging motion as we started to walk towards the parking lot.

"I have to tutor tonight," I told him, but then I thought for a moment. Cam obviously wasn't very enthusiastic about his tutoring, so he wouldn't mind if I hung out with Chris. Right?

"Aww," he pouted teasingly, "can you get out of it?"

I tapped my chin dramatically and then smiled, "Sure."

"Seriously?" He asked excitedly and in disbelief.

"Yeah," I smiled, "I don't want you to be bothered by it anymore."

He laughed softly, "Yeah, it would put me at a lot of ease."

We both laughed together and I nodded, "Well, tonight then?"

"Yeah, I'll pick you up at like... 6?"

"Okay," I smiled at him, "What are we going to do?"

"You'll find out at 6," he winked and waved goodbye. We parted ways and went to our cars.


The music was blasting and I didn't care who heard it. I was in my bedroom and just rocking out. Do you guys ever do that? I hope, I'm not the only one. If you don't you need to try it. Just blast your favorite songs and grab your hair brush and rock out!

I was dancing around, singing along to the songs and whipping my hair around. If you peeked into my room, you'd think I was possessed or something, because whenever I do this, I go all out. The current song that I was blasting was Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars. Dude! It was the best song to dance to! I watched the tutorials on how to do the dance just like in the music video and I am proud to say that I've nailed it!


Suddenly Grayson and Cam burst into my room shouting the lyrics and start dancing with me. I was in such a good mood to get mad at them for mocking me, so instead we turned it into a dance party! Haha! We were dancing all around my room, on the bed, in the mirror and at one point we were doing a conga line.

"What is going on up here?" My mom and dad came into my room a few minutes later to find us dancing away. Grayson motioned for them to join and suddenly we were all in my room dancing to Bruno Mars. Haha! Can you picture how cramped the room was? Because it really was squishy!

Once the song was over, we all ended up on the floor laughing and trying to catch our breath.

"You kids are crazy," my mom said and sat on my bed smiling.

"Should we go for another song?!" Grayson said with a big smile. He hopped up and turned on 'I'm an Albatroz' by Aron Chupa. HAHA, it was more weird than Bruno Mars! We started doing weird dances and my dad turned into a robot. Cam was doing some strange head bobs and Grayson was twitching his arms super strangely.

Mom was sort of confused by the song, so she kept trying to ask all of us, "What is an Albatroz?" "Isn't it Albatross?" "I think an albatross is a bird!"

After that song was over, we all collapsed on the floor for the second time. By then I looked at the clock on my wall and saw that it was 5:49 pm. I jumped up and looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing yoga shorts, with a big baggy t-shirt and knee-high socks. My hair was in a crazy bun and my makeup had smudged off.

"Ahh shit!" I said and rummaged through my closet looking for something to wear.

"Isabelle," my mother said warningly, "I don't like hearing those words coming from your mouth."

"Sorry mum," I said quickly and she looked at me confusedly.

"Why are you panicking like this?"

"I'm going out in like ten minutes, and well... look at me mom!" I motioned to my outfit and hair.

"Going out?" Cameron butted in with a confused look.

"Yeah," I mumbled and hoped he wouldn't freak out about it.

"I thought you were going to help me with English tonight?"

"Well, we can when I come back," I said while grabbing a shirt and pair of jeans from my closet.

"Now everyone out while I get ready!"

Mom, dad and Grayson had started to walk out but Cameron stayed put with his arms folded in front of me angrily.

"You can't go out Angel, you have to help me!"

"I can't tonight okay?"

"You made me cancel my plans with Amanda last night!"

"Cam you're the one who needs to study, not me. You didn't have to come last night."

I heard my phone start to ring and Cam and I both looked at it. We both looked back at each other and in a split second the both of us were rushing to grab it. I pulled on his shirt and he elbowed me back. I stumbled back, but quickly got up and jumped on his back. I reached for my phone which he had in his hands. He held it far away from me and looked at it.

"Give me my phone Cam!!" I yelled in his ear.

"Chris?!" He yelled back at me.

"Give it back!"

"Are you seeing him tonight?"

"None of your business!"

"Oh yes it is!" He tried to pry me off him, but I continued reaching for my phone and pushing his head away.

"Fuck off Cam!"

As soon as I said that he answered the call, "Hey man."

"CAM! Give me my phone!" I shouted at him loudly.

"Izzy? Yeah she's just changing," Cam said with a smirk. Oh god. Chris was going to think I was changing while Cam was in the room! Fucking Cameron. Why does he do this to me?!

"She'll be down in a second," he said into the phone. Then he started to make up some shit, "What's that babe? Yeah sure, I'll help get the zipper..."

And then he hung up. I climbed off his back and stared at him with wide eyes and my mouth gaping open. Cameron fucking Hart. He did not just do that...

"Why the hell did you say that! He's going to get the wrong idea!" I punched his shoulder, which didn't effect him at all... of course.

"What idea? That you're my girl? 'Cause I don't see anything wrong with that."

"How many times do I have to say that I'm not your girl?" I pushed him out of my room.

"Oh soon enough it'll be true," he smirked and stood outside my door, "Let me know if you need help with the zipper!" He laughed and I slammed the door in his face.

Five minutes later, I finally was out of the house. I changed quickly and fixed my hair and just applied some mascara. I ran out to his car and sat in the passenger seat.

"I'm so sorry about that..." I blushed deeply and he laughed softly.

"I knew you and Cam had a thing," he said. I couldn't read his expression though, I didn't know if he was angry or not.

"We don't," I shook my head no a billion times, "I swear!"

"Alright," he looked at me suspiciously and laughed, "Whatever you say."


Re: Complicated Love

Posted: 23 Jul 2015 14:02
by sexy
Complicated Love - Chapter 8
Izzy hangs out with Chris... The night seems just about perfect, but there may be one little glitch... or a BIG glitch! Read Complicated Love to find out what happens between Chris and Izzy, trust me you won't want to miss it!
"Would you rather lick a hobo’s armpit or chew a rotten toenail until it’s gone?" Chris asked me with a smirk.

"Ew! Chris!"

He laughed loudly and shrugged, "Choose!"

"Aw, gross!" I laughed and then thought about it, "Um…Ew, I don’t know… I guess I’d lick a hobo’s armpit."

"Ew Izzy!" He said and gave me a disgusted look.

"What?! You asked the question! I chose it because it would be over with faster!"

We laughed together and then it was my turn, "Alright. Would you rather…. Have a penis sized nipple or a nipple sized penis?"

Chris started laughing so hard, and then it became contagious. I started laughing loudly too and everyone at McDonald's was probably staring at us, but we didn’t really mind. It was too hilarious.

"Answer it Chris!" I urged him and took a bite of my chicken nuggets.

Yes, we were at McDonalds. I found it quite funny, Chris was a pretty funny guy. In the car he made it out to be a very special restaurant that was very quaint and high class. When he pulled into McDonald's we had a good laugh.

"Um…" He scratched his chin while he calmed down from laughing, "I think I’d rather have penis sized nipples."

"HAHAH! Oh my god Chris," I just imagined it in my mind and it was absolutely hilarious, "We can share bras then," I winked.

He laughed too and held his finger up, "Let me explain why!"

"Alright, go ahead."

"If I had a nipple sized penis, I would never be able to have sex! Ever."

I shook my head at him, "Everything isn’t about sex!"

"Yeah, but what if I want to have kids?!"

"True… Okay I approve," I nodded and we laughed again for the billionth time.

"Do you have a curfew?" He asked after we both stopped laughing.

"Well, not technically…" I looked at him suspiciously, "Why?"

"I want to take you somewhere really cool."

"Where to now? Burger King?"

"No," he laughed, "I promise, this place is really cool. Trust me."

"Fine," I smiled and we left McDonald's.

We were driving out of town, where there were big fields and farms. The sun was setting and the image was just perfect. It was so beautiful. The sky was a rosy pink which faded into dark blue. Night was just around the corner and the sun had almost hit the horizon when he parked the car. There were no other cars around, we were at the edge of a forest of trees.

"Chris, are you sure this place is ‘cool’?" I said as we got out of his truck, "It’s kind of scary…"

"I promise," he reassured me and pulled out a blanket from the back of his truck. He came over to me and reached for my hand. He pulled me to the entrance of the forest. I was hesitant to go in but Chris’ hand in mine made me feel a lot better.

We walked along the trail for about five minutes until we came to a big field. The field was surrounded by trees and there were trails along the outer edge of the tree line. The sky was huge and the sun was just going down. The sky was a mixture of colors, it faded from a dark blue to light blue to pink and red; it was really pretty.


"I told you," he said with a smile and laid out the blanket for us to sit on.

"You’re right," I smiled and sat down on the blanket with him.

We sat there on the blanket until the sun went all the way down. It was beautiful to watch, and soon the sky dimmed and filled with stars. I had never seen so many stars before. There were tons. You could only see the stars like this when you were away from everything, like we were. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city. It was a beautiful thing, the stars.

It was starting to get chilly and Chris had noticed me rubbing my arms slightly. He got up a bit and pulled his jacket off, "Here," he smiled.

"Oh don’t worry about it… I’m fine," I shook my head, I didn’t want to be the reason why he was cold.

"Come on, you’re wearing a tank top," he put his jacket around me and I smiled at him, "Alright, thanks."

Chris put his arm around me shoulders and I leaned my head on his chest. He was pretty warm, despite the cold evening temperature. I was looking up at the stars when I noticed he was staring at me. I looked at him and offered a small smile, our faces were extremely close together at this point.

"You’re really something," he smiled at me and I blushed softly. Soon his face started getting closer and closer to mine. I was sure he was going to kiss me. I was stunned when I felt his lips press against mine. I barely knew this guy, and here we were kissing. He pecked my lips and then pulled away to see if I were angry with him or not. I wasn’t. I liked it, I liked that he liked me.

Then once he saw me smiling up at him, he came in again for a more passionate kiss. He parted his lips and kissed me harder. His hand came up and trailed along my back and I kissed him back. I don’t know why I was though, I wasn’t this kind of girl. I didn’t just kiss a guy, I barely knew. Hell, I wouldn’t even kiss Cam and I’d known him for almost four years! But I guess, I decided to be a rebel today.

Chris and I made out for quite a while, and let me tell you, it was fun. He was a good kisser, I liked kissing him. After a while I felt his hand slip under the bottom hem of my shirt. He grabbed my waist and kissed me harder. Honestly, I started to feel uncomfortable… but I didn’t say anything, I mean, it was just my waist. It wasn’t like he was going for second base or anything.

Or so I thought.

Seconds later his hand started going further up my shirt, and I knew he was aiming for my bra. I couldn’t do it anymore, I couldn’t let him.

"Chris, stop," I backed up quickly and pushed myself away from him.

He looked at me confusedly and came closer, "What?"

"I’m just a little uncomfortable…" I blushed, I bet he’s never been with a girl as awkward as me before. He probably thought I was a prude.

"What? Come on," he pleaded and put his hand back on my waist and came in to kiss me again.

I tried to pull away again but he gripped my sides tighter and pulled me on top of him. I pushed myself up the best I could to get away, but he wouldn’t let me go, he continued to hold me tighter and tighter, to a point where it started to hurt a lot.

"Chris! Let me go!" I said between his kisses. He rolled us over, so that I was under him and his body was pinning mine to the ground. I pushed him harder and wiggled to try to get out of his grip, but nothing worked.

I felt tears brim my eyes as I realized that I was trapped. We were in the middle of a field in the dark of the night. No one would hear me call, no one would hear me cry. And I had left my phone in Chris’ car, so I had no chance of using it to call anyone. I was trapped and Chris was out of control.

Tears spilled down my face as he slipped his hands under my shirt again and fumbled with my bra. He pulled the arms straps off my shoulders forcefully and I started panicking. I didn’t want to be raped, I wanted it all to stop, "Please stop! Chris please!"

"Shut up," he growled at me before bringing his hand up to slap my across the face. I screamed loudly and he covered my mouth with his hand. My face was stinging and the tears that were pouring out of my eyes inflamed it. Chris continued to push hold me back while he brought his hand behind my back to unclasp my bra. Once he undid my bra, he was about to pull it off when all of a sudden I heard a loud crunch and an "OOF!"

Chris had been flung off me and he and the other person had rolled down the hill. I sat up and saw that it was Cameron. Cam was here. I gasped, where did he come from? I was relieved and also stunned. I was crying and hyperventilating, I couldn’t believe what was happening. I tried to calm myself down by putting my head in between my knees and breathe deeply, but my anxiety was getting worse because I could hear the two guys fighting and the sounds of their hitting and punching drove my panic levels over the top.

I peeped my eyes open to see Cam pinning Chris to the ground and punching his face repeatedly. As happy as I was that Chris was getting what he deserved, I was also scared because I didn’t want Cam to get in trouble for fighting. If the police came, Cam would be looking pretty guilty.

"Stay the fuck away from her! Do you hear me?! I’ll fucking destroy you! Don’t test me you little shit, because I will fucking find you and won’t hesitate to kill you if you ever go near her again!"

"C-C-Cam…" I called for him between my rapid, shaky, tear-filled breaths. Once he heard me, he whipped his head to look at me and saw me shaking, sitting in a little ball on the grass. Cam pushed Chris further down the hill and ran over to me.

"Baby," he scooped me up in his arms and I clung onto him like my life depended on it. Any judging by this situation, my life almost did depend on it, I mean Chris could have done a lot worse, he could have had a knife or a gun with him.

I wrapped my arms and legs around his body and stuffed my face into his shoulder, sobbing my eyes out. I didn’t care that I was getting his shirt all wet and gross, I was just so scared and at the same time so glad that he was here, I wasn’t letting go anytime soon.

"Fucking piece of shit," Cam yelled as he rubbed my back soothingly. He felt that my bra was unclasped so he whispered to me, "I’m just going to fix your bra alright?" I nodded into his shoulder, still crying. He lifted my shirt a bit and clasped my bra back together and then fixed my shirt back down.

Then he carried me out of the field. He rubbed my back and stroked my hair the entire time we walked back out to the cars. He whispered to me as I cried, and honestly, it comforted and soothed me even though I could barely hear what he was saying because my crying was so loud.

"It’s alright, you’re safe baby."
"I’m right here, I got you."
"Shh, sweetheart everything’s okay now."
"I’ve got you, I’m here Angel."

He opened the passenger door to his car and sat me on the seat, but I didn’t want to let go. He rubbed my back and continued whispering sweet things to me to calm me down.

"He won’t hurt you anymore, okay?"
"You’re safe now, I promise."
"I won’t let anything happen to you babe."
"Just relax Angel, breathe for me. Inhale… Exhale…"

Once I had relaxed, I slowly untangled myself from Cam’s body. He kept his body close to mine, his hands moved from my back to cup my face, but he was gentle with the side that Chris had smacked. He looked me in the eyes and wiped the tears from my cheeks with his warm thumbs, "You okay babe?"

I silently nodded and looked down, I was embarrassed. I had gotten myself into this mess. I barely knew Chris, I shouldn’t have been kissing him the way I was.

"What happened back there?"

"You saw," I whispered quietly and continued looking anywhere but him, "he wasn’t backing off."

"Look at me Angel," he urged and tipped my chin up, "where else did he hurt you?"

I knew that if I told him the truth he’d get really mad. He had already beaten Chris up so much. But I knew I had to tell him. I knew that I could trust him. I nervously chewed on my lower lip and noticed that he started to get irritated, he sure was an impatient guy.

"Where," he spat it out like an order, not a question. He was starting to get really aggravated again.

I sighed deeply and said, "my wrists."

He grabbed my hands and gently pulled them up to his face, they were red with finger marks. Chris had me held down pretty tightly.

"Fuck…" he whispered to himself as he examined me. "Where else." He spluttered out again harshly.

"Nowhere else," I looked away again. I didn’t want him to worry or get so angry that he’d get himself into trouble. It was my mess, not his.

"Don’t lie to me Izzy." Fucking hell. I hated when he called me Izzy, but I knew he was being serious this time and not teasing like usual.

I backed up a bit and turned the light on in his car. I lifted the bottom of my shirt to find a bruise already forming on my sides. You could physically see his hand prints on both sides of my waist, that’s how tight he held me. When I saw it, my eyes started to water again just at the thought of what just happened.

"Oh Angel…" He ran his fingers over the tender areas and I winced slightly. I looked at him and he was looking at my waist so intently, his eyes looked full of pain.

"Can we go?" I said nervously. I didn’t want Chris to pop out of the trees or something like that.

"Yeah, let's get you home Princess…" He shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair angrily.

"No!" I said quickly, "Not home… Please?"

"Angel… Grayson is going to kill me if I don’t get you home. After 9:30 pm, we started looking for you. Grayson and I were so worried…"

I looked down at my lap and sighed heavily, "Grayson is going to be mad at me… He’s going to yell at me Cam… I can’t go home."

"Angel, you didn’t do anything wrong. He won’t be mad."

"Have you met him?! He got so mad when he found out I was even talking to Chris."

"I’m sorry babe, I have to take you home." He said forcefully.

I realized Cam wasn’t going to be changing his mind anytime soon. I guess he was right though… I needed to go home. I sighed and sunk into the seat, "Fine."

"I’m sorry Angel, but Grayson is worried sick about you," he said softly this time and rubbed my arm.

"I know…" I said and buckled my seat belt. Then I remembered something and yelled out the window to Cam who was walking to his side of the car, "Can you get my phone from Chris’ truck?"

"Seriously? Why would you leave your phone?"

"I don’t know okay? Just get it for me."

Once we drove out of the woods, Cam had me call Grayson and tell him I was okay. He went crazy, Grayson scolded me worse than when mom and dad scolded me. I wonder how he’d take it when he heard the entire story.

Cam reached into the back seat of his car and pulled out his hoodie, the one that he gave to me, but then I had given back to him.

"Put this on, you’re fucking freezing," he said firmly.

"Thank you…" I said quietly and pulled it on over my head.

"Don’t give it back. It’s yours…" he said and then mumbled more quietly, "it was always yours."


After a long drive back home Cam pulled up in the driveway. Before we got out of the car, I turned to him and said, "Are you going to tell him everything?"

"You know I have to…" he told me. He looked at me and started talking again, "Look… I know Grayson is going to go ape shit, but I’ll be right there with you okay?"

"Okay," I said and opened the door. I stepped out of the car and instantly my legs turned to jello. I was really weak and my knees caved in. I held onto the car door with all the strength I could before Cam rushed over to my side and helped me up.

"This is why I have to tell him babe…" he told me and I sighed.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Grayson was running towards us barefooted in the grass. He came over to me and helped me up, "What happened to you Izzy!"

"Shhh… don’t yell!" I said angrily, I didn’t want mom and dad to wake up and involve them.

Once we were inside Cam decided it was taking too long for me to get anywhere, so he picked my entire body up and carried me to my bedroom. He sat me on my bed and Grayson shut the door.

"Explain." Grayson demanded. I can see where Cam gets it from, they’re both such commanding guys.

I took a big breath and Cam gave me a reassuring look before I started recapping the night starting from the beginning.

"So first we went to McDonald's for dinner…"

And after a detailed anecdote, I got to the end of the night.

"… And then Cam showed up and beat the shit out of him."

When I was telling the part where Chris was hurting me, I couldn’t help but cry. Retelling the story gave me little flashbacks of how panicked and scared I was, I never want to feel that way again.

By the end of the little story, Cameron was squeezing one of my pillows into the tightest little ball I’ve ever seen, I could basically see the smoke shooting out of his ears.

"I’m going to fucking kill that prick!" Grayson said angrily, "FUCK!"

"Grayson… Cam already did enough damage…" I said softly trying to calm him down.

"Don’t fucking defend that douchebag Izzy!"

"I’m not!" I yelled back at him.

"Well, I need to go beat him up! I don’t care that Cam did already, this idiot deserves to go to hell!"

"I don’t want you to get into trouble Grayson! Please, just calm down!"

"Calm down?! I won’t calm down until I see Chris go down in flames!"

"Re-fucking-lax!" I argued back.

"Shut up Izzy! Don’t tell me what to do!" He yelled in my face. Instantly I felt a flashback of when Chris told me to shut up and I winced and flinched blocking my face with my arms as if he were to hit me.

Cam rushed from my desk chair to my bed and pulled me into his arms again, "Back off Grayson, she’s still scared!"

Cam rubbed my back and I started to take big breaths again, trying to relax myself.

Grayson’s whole demeanor softened after he saw what he did to me just by yelling. He sat down beside Cam and rubbed my arm, "I’m sorry sis…"

Grayson gave came a look, he was taken by surprise as to how quickly Cam came over to me and soothed me. Usually the two of us were fighting like crazy and tonight something was different.

Cam shrugged at Grayson, but Grayson pointed to the door. Cam put me back down and tucked me into bed before saying, "I’ll be right back babe, alright?"

I nodded at him and pulled the blankets up to my chin. If Grayson could tell something was different between us then I guess there was no denying my own hunch. I didn’t want to admit it, but I could not be happier to see Cameron come to my rescue.

The entire time he carried me out of the woods, he was so sweet. He was holding me tightly and promising me that he would take care of me. He wasn’t ever this sweet. Sure, he’d hit on me and pretend to be jealous, but tonight he protected and actually cared for me, something he’d never really shown me before. But was he being honest? That was the confusing part. He probably was annoyed with me and how hard I was crying. Who knew, Cameron was a confusing guy.


Re: Complicated Love

Posted: 04 Aug 2015 11:52
by sexy
Cam's POV

Fucking hell. This night was a disaster. First Angel ditches me for that dickhead Chris and now she hasn't come home for like four hours. It's so dark out, where the fuck could she be?

Grayson was pacing his room back and forth texting and calling Angel a million times a minute.

"Why isn't she fucking answering Cam!?" He raged.

"I don't know man..." I shook my head and sighed heavily. I was just as worried as Grayson. I mean, I know, I have a shitty way of showing it, but I really do care about Angel. She's my girl after all.

"I'm going to go look for her," Grayson said suddenly and looked around for his keys.

"I'll go bud," I told him and put my hand on his shoulder, "what if she comes back home while you're out? She won't want to see me, she'd rather see you."

Grayson thought about it for a second and then nodded, "Call me as soon as you find her or hear anything. I'll call her friends."

"For sure bro," I said and grabbed my keys and walked out of the house.

I got in my car and sped down the road like no other. I've never drove this fast before, but as much as I wanted to seem relaxed about the whole situation, I really wasn't. I was getting anxious. Where the hell was she?

I went around by school, to Chris' house, to the park, to the mall, to the ice cream shop, even to the fucking McDonald's! She wasn't anywhere. I decided to expand my search and drive out a bit. I impatiently tapped my fingers to the steering wheel, it was 10 pm and we hadn't found her. Fuck, where are you baby?

I drove out to where the fields were, there were farms and stuff out here. I honestly didn't think they'd be here, but I thought to give it a chance. I drove around and around until I spotted a red pickup truck. My heart started racing, that was Chris' truck. I remember he wouldn't shut the fuck up about it, when he first got it last year for his birthday. Prick.

I got to the truck and they weren't in it. I noticed a path towards the woods and shook my head. "He better not have taken her in here..." I grumbled. This place was fucking scary as hell! Not to mention dangerous.

I walked for a few minutes to find nothing. I looked around and whispered her name out, "Angel...... Are you here?"

No reply.

I was about to turn back when I heard a loud slap and then a piercing scream. Not just any scream, it was Izzy's scream. I bolted into the direction of the noises and soon enough I came to a big meadow. I saw them in the middle of it and it looked like the fucker was on top of her and holding her back. I immediately wished I was a football player instead of a soccer because I didn't know how to tackle people. Well... here goes nothing.

I ran over and pushed him off her and tackled him to the ground. He was stunned by what was happening but then realized that he needed to fight back. I punched him hard in the jaw and he got a few swings at me but nothing serious. We wrestled in the grass, pushing each other, fighting for dominance.

Finally I got on top of him and pinned him down. I took this opportunity to fuck him up. I swung at him with all of my strength, aiming at his nose, his jaw, his eyes, I didn't give a fuck.

Nobody messes with my girl. Nobody touches my girl. Nobody fucking hurts my girl. Nobody.

I was pounding him, wanting to knock him out. I don't know how long it was that I was swinging at him because I was so lost in my anger. I'd never forgive this loser or respect him ever again. He was dead to me.

"Stay the fuck away from her! Do you hear me?! I'll fucking destroy you! Don't test me you little shit, because I will fucking find you and won't hesitate to kill you if you ever go near her again!" I was raging with anger.

"C-C-C-am..." a weak little voice calls my name and as soon as I hear my Angel's voice I push the dick down the hill and run over to her.

"Baby," I say and grab her into my arms. I hold her tightly to me and she instantly locks her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. God she felt so good in my arms, it was where she belonged.

She was crying so hard into my shirt and she had her face buried into my shoulder, I hoped she could breathe in there. I patted her back and picked her up. I walked out of there with her in my arms, the only place I ever wanted her.

"It's alright, you're safe baby," I said softly to her as we started back on the trail, "I'm right here, I got you."

Fuck. She was crying so much, it killed me. It physically hurt my chest to see her like this, I wanted to take all her pain away. If I could, I would. I ran my hands through her hair soothingly, "Shh, sweetheart everything's okay now," she started to calm down a little, so I kept talking to her, "I've got you, I'm here Angel."

After we finally got out of the woods, I sat her in the car, but she kept her body clung to mine. I didn't mind, I liked it. I knew, she was hurting, and I wanted more than anything to heal her.

"Just relax Angel, breathe for me. Inhale... Exhale..."

Once she calmed down, I cupped her face, but made sure to be gentle with her sore cheek, it was already going red. "You okay babe?" I wiped those tears from her face, they didn't belong there, I never wanted to see her cry. It was torture to see how broken she was.

She didn't say a word, but nodded and looked away.

"What happened back there?" I asked.

"You saw," she whispered quietly and continued looking anywhere but at me, "he wasn't backing off."

"Look at me Angel," I urged and tipped her chin up towards my face, "where else did he hurt you?"

She started to bite down on her lower lip nervously. Ugh, I hate to say it, but it was so god damn sexy. She drove me wild, but of course, I had to focus on what was happening. She wouldn't talk to me ever again if I hit on her after what she just went through with Chris.

"Where," I ordered her to cover up how much she affected me. I had to sound bossy or else she wouldn't take me seriously.

She sighed, "my wrists."

Instantly I grabbed Angel's hands and pulled them up to see... they were red with finger marks denting her skin. That motherfucker had a strong grip.

"Fuck..." I whispered disappointingly, if only I were there earlier I may have been able to stop this. "Where else." I said harshly. I knew there was more, she was hiding it from me.

"Nowhere else," she said and diverted her gaze. She was lying. She could never look at me when she was lying.

"Don't lie to me Izzy." I knew she hated it but I had to use her name.

She backed up a bit and turned the light on in the car. Slowly Angel lifted the bottom of her shirt to reveal a bruise already forming. You could physically see his hand prints on both sides of her waist, that's how tight he held her. When I saw it, I inhaled sharply and held my breath. How could he hurt her like that? I wanted to fucking go back there and beat him up some more. Maybe castrate him. I recomposed myself and sighed.

"Oh Angel..." I ran gently ran my fingers over the tender areas and she winced slightly. It was so hard for me to look at her like this. So vulnerable and hurt. It honestly was tearing me apart.

"Can we go?" She said and started to look around into the woods. Right. She was still startled by everything.

"Yeah, let's get you home Princess..." I shook my head in frustration and ran my fingers through my hair angrily.

"No!" She said quickly, "Not home... Please?"

"Angel... Grayson is going to kill me if I don't get you home. After 9:30 pm, we started looking for you. Grayson and I were so worried..."

She looked down at her knees and sighed heavily, "Grayson is going to be mad at me... He's going to yell at me Cam... I can't go home."

"Angel, you didn't do anything wrong. He won't be mad." I wouldn't let Grayson give her hell, she didn't deserve it.

"Have you met him?! He got so mad when he found out I was even talking to Chris."

"I'm sorry babe, I have to take you home." I said once and for all. Grayson was my best friend, and as much as I wanted to give her everything she wanted, I knew he cared about his sister more than anything in the world. I had to take her home to him, even if he was going to blow up.

Angel sighed again and sunk into the seat, "Fine."

"I'm sorry Angel, but Grayson is worried sick about you," I said softly now. I wanted her to know that I was on her side, so I had to be less forceful.

"I know..." She said and buckled her seat belt. I shut her door and started to walk around to my side until she asked me, "Can you get my phone from Chris' truck?"

"Seriously? Why would you leave your phone?" Of course she would.

"I don't know okay? Just get it for me."

We were driving on our way back to her house when I saw out of the corner of my eye that she was shivering. I reached into the back seat and pulled out my hoodie, the one that I gave to her, but then she had given back for some dumb reason.

"Put this on, you're fucking freezing," I said firmly.

"Thank you..." She said quietly and pulled it on over her head. I was much more content when she wore my hoodie. I don't know why, but I liked to think she had a piece of me with her.

"Don't give it back. It's yours..." I told her. And then mumbled more quietly to myself but loud enough for her to hear, "It was always yours."


After a long drive back home, I pulled up in the driveway. Before we got out of the car she turned to me and said, "Are you going to tell him everything?"

"You know, I have to..." I told her. I turned the car off and started talking again, "Look... I know Grayson is going to go ape shit, but I'll be right there with you okay?"

"Okay," she said and opened the door. Once she stepped out of the car, she stumbled almost to the ground. She grasped onto the car door for support, but barely had any strength to do so. I ran over to her side and put my arms around her.

"This is why I have to tell him babe..." I said to her. Grayson would for sure know something was up even if I didn't say anything. He'd find out soon enough. And I was right.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Grayson was running towards us barefooted in the grass. He came over to Izzy and helped me carry her, "What happened to you Izzy!"

"Shhh... don't yell!" She told him angrily.

Once we were inside, I decided it was taking too long for her to get anywhere, so I picked her up and carried her to her bedroom. I sat Angel on her bed and Grayson shut the door behind us.

"Explain." Grayson demanded.

She took a big breath and I smiled at her, giving her a reassuring look before she started recapping the night starting from the beginning.

"So first we went to McDonalds for dinner..."

Grayson and I listened carefully as she spoke.

"... And then Cam showed up and beat the shit out of him."

When Angel was telling the part where Chris was hurting her, she started to cry. I wanted to go over there and hug her again, but Grayson wouldn't like that very much.

By the end of the story, Gray was squeezing one of the pillows into a little ball instead of punching something. I knew, he wanted to hit something or someone, but held it in for Izzy.

"I'm going to fucking kill that prick!" Grayson said angrily, "FUCK!"

"Grayson... Cam already did enough damage..." Angel said softly trying to calm him down.

"Don't fucking defend that douchebag Izzy!"

"I'm not!" She yelled back at him.

"Well, I need to go beat him up! I don't care that Cam did already, this idiot deserves to go to hell!"

"I don't want you to get into trouble Grayson! Please, just calm down!"

"Calm down?! I won't calm down until I see Chris go down in flames!"

"Re-fucking-lax!" She argued back again. Angel sure did love to swear, especially when she was mad. Let's be honest though, she probably got it from me and Grayson, we cuss way more than she does.

"Don't tell me what to do! Just shut up Izzy!" He yelled in her face. Instantly Izzy flinched and blocked her face with her arms as if Grayson was going to hit her.

I couldn't help it, she was hurting. I rushed from the desk chair to the bed and pulled my girl into my arms again, "Back off Grayson! She's still scared!"

I rubbed her back and she started to take big breaths again, trying to relax.

Grayson's whole demeanor softened after he saw what he did to her just by yelling. He realized yelling wouldn't help this situation. He sat down beside me and rubbed Angel's arm, "I'm sorry sis..."

Grayson gave me a look, he was taken by surprise as to how quickly I came over to her and soothed her. Usually Angel and I were fighting like crazy, but tonight something was different.

I shrugged at Grayson, but Grayson pointed to the door. I put her back down and tucked my baby into bed before saying, "I'll be right back babe, alright?"

My Angel nodded at me and pulled the blankets up.

I stepped outside to find Grayson with his arms crossed in front of his chest. "Is that the truth? What she told me?"

"Yeah, that's what she told me too," I nodded.

"Alright..." he trailed off. Then he brought up another topic, "What is going on with you two? Why is she letting you touch her?"

"She's just shaken up still man. She's still scared and I was the one to peel that fucker off her. As soon as I finished beating him up she wouldn't let go of me."

"Well... I guess you're right."

"Dude, you know I'd never take advantage of her like that."

"I know Cam... I just worry. She's my baby sister."

"Don't worry, I'd never hurt her or let anyone else hurt her. I care about her too."

Gray nodded at me, "I know. That's why you're my best friend. Thanks man."

"No worries bro," I said and gave him a pat on the back.

"Maybe you should stay with her tonight... in her room..." Grayson said that painfully. I could tell he didn't want me sleeping in there, but was thinking of the best thing for Izzy.

"Yeah, I think she'll feel more comfortable with me there," I said casually as if it were no big deal but inside I was ecstatic.

"Alright, do what you gotta do man," he said to me but then clarified, "but don't do anything I'd kill you for."

"Stop worrying," I assured him and laughed lightly.

"I'm going to get my dad to book you a plane ticket, so you can fly with her. I don't want her alone tomorrow. You're going with her okay? I'll drive down with Britt and you two can fly out together."

Wow, this was a shocker. Grayson was trusting me big time. Which was great, but what was even greater was that I'd be with Izzy tomorrow.

"Yeah, I can do that."

"Alright bro, thanks for everything."

"Anytime man."

I grabbed some blankets and pillows from the hallway closet and walked back into Angel's room. She was curled up in a ball and hugging her teddy bear that Grayson got her when they were younger.

"Hey babe," I whispered quietly, "I'm gonna be right here okay?"

I put my pillows and blankets on the ground next to her bed. She looked at me as I created my little sleeping space. She reached her hand out at me and patted the space on the bed next to her.

"Don't sleep on the floor," she sounded exhausted.

"I don't mind Angel."

"Please? I mean you don't have to but..." she trailed off and blushed.

"But what?"

"I just don't want to be alone... But you don't have to. I know Amanda hates me enough already," she bit her bottom lip again and looked up at me with her big eyes, God she was driving me crazy and she didn't even know it. She was so... ugh. Okay Cam, compose yourself. Don't fuck this up.

"Babe," I said and shook my head, "I don't care about Amanda okay? She doesn't mean anything to me. You're the one I care about, you always have been."

She blushed and the corners of her lips lifted into a small smile. She moved over in her bed to make room for me and I smiled back at her.

I went to shut the door all the way so Grayson wouldn't' walk by and freak out if he saw me sleeping in her bed. I slid under the covers next to her and pulled her closely to me. She moved around so she was laying her head on my chest and my arm was around her.

"Thank you," she said in a hushed tone.

"I'll always be here for you," I told her and stroked her hair.

I pressed my lips to her forehead softly and the next thing I knew she was fast asleep snuggled up close to me. In this moment, everything felt right, and I never wanted this feeling to go away.
