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Re: The First One - Prologue Teen romantic story

Posted: 23 Aug 2015 08:22
by romantic_story
The First One - Chapter Three
I'm so sorry, it took me so long to continue, but I had a very hard time these past months. I hope you'll forgive me. Enjoy this chapter and leave comments please.
We sat in a little cafe just a block away from the mall. It was cozy and had a romantic touch to it for there were candles on every table and the room was dimly lit.

It felt awkward. I didn't even know this guy. But I had to admit that he looked really good. He had slightly curled hair that looked reddish brown and it was shortened fashionably. His light blue shirt stretched a bit over his muscular body and he wore a pair of tight-fitting dark blue jeans. His coat was draped over the back of his chair and he had his arms folded on the table.

Those blue eyes of his were staring intently into mine while he drove his index finger slowly over his lips, a warm smile playing on them.

The confidence he displayed made me so uncomfortable that I started fidgeting with my tea cup in front of me.

"So..." he drew out slowly, "when will you tell me your name? Or shall I give you one?"

I looked up at him and lost what I was about to say. This guy made me weak and I didn't like it.

"What name would you give me?" I asked quietly and looked at him. I felt my cheeks starting to blush. I was never a dare. I never even flirted with someone before. What was wrong with me?

Adam smiled silently and folded his hands. "Hmm mm," he murmured slowly, "You're so different and you look so mystical with your dark brown hair and your flawless skin. What about 'mystique'?"

I laughed softly. "Oh, I like that. But my name is Kestra."

His eyes twinkled and my cheeks started to blush.

"Kestra." He said my name as if he could taste every letter on his tongue. "I like it. It's beautiful and unusual. Just like you."

I blushed even more and looked down while I silently pressed out a small 'Thank you'.

He leaned forward again and frowned at me as if something bothered him. Adam cleared his throat and looked back at me again, but something was different. His eyes lost their gleam and suddenly I grew cold. He looked at me with an expression of distaste before he smiled again.

I started to feel uneasy and when I looked outside it was already getting dark. My tea was cold and all I wanted to do was going home. I looked back at Adam and remembered that he had already paid for my tea.

"Thank you very much for my tea but I should really go now I'm sorry." I stood up and picked my things up.

Adam stood up too and hovered above me. His presence screamed danger from every pore of his body. I should have felt afraid but somehow I felt like I was drawn to him.

And that was when confusion set in. I sat with him in this cafe for about two hours and all we did was talk about our interests and hobbies, which were pretty mutual. I had just told him my name ant the end of the conversation which was really awkward and now there was this sudden pull I felt.

He leaned down to me and pressed his lips to my temple. I stood there frozen in shock. This stranger just kissed me without my allowance. And I didn't even do a thing about it.

He placed something in my hand before he whispered goodbye and left. I still stood there ten minutes late. He was already gone when I remembered that he put something in my hand.

It was a piece of paper with a phone number on it. On the back there was a note.

'Don't let the sea swallow you, for it will drown your thoughts with them.'

Re: The First One - Prologue Teen romantic story

Posted: 23 Aug 2015 08:22
by romantic_story
The First One - Chapter Four
Hey guys, here's the new chapter. I tried something new and I hope you'll like it. I won't be able to write anything for the next week, so I made this chapter longer than usual. So read and enjoy. Oh and leave comments please. Comments are always appreciated.
Adam's POV

I ran away from her. My breathing was uneven and I went as fast down the street as my legs could carry me. Away from that scent. Away from that face. Away from her. I almost ran into a young couple but dodged them in the last moment. I had to get away. And yet, her face would not leave my mind. The way she blushed prettily when I complimented her appearance as if she wasn't used to it. As if there were people who wouldn't see her the way I see her.

And then it was all gone. I kissed her.

I. Kissed. Her.

How maddeningly stupid?

I never did that before. I never kissed one of them. What now?

I've been so careful. During our conversation I made sure to not reveal to much of myself. I didn't tell her my surname. I didn't even tell her my age.

Which would have been tricky to answer anyway, so I was just glad she never asked.

But, still I endangered her. My scent must be all over her now. Everyone of us could smell it. They could smell it.

Why did I have to lose control like that? Why did she had to be so different from everybody else?

All those questions didn't matter anymore. She was marked as mine and I had to make it undone before she got into anymore trouble.

I stopped in my tracks suddenly. The cafe had been in the eastern side of the town. The eastern side was their territory. Oh no.

I turned around and ran back.

I had to find her, before they did and smelled me on her. Before Peter found her and smelled me on her.


Kestra's POV

My breath was making puffy clouds in front of my face as I was walking in the direction of the train station. My arms hurt from the heavy weight of all the bags I carried with me. But the heaviest weight was that note in my pocket... The note from Adam.

I was still confused about the message. It was so cryptic, just like the person who gave it to me.

I didn't even know his last name. I knew his favorite band, his favorite color, and favorite movie but that was all.

As I looked back at the conversation, it seemed as if I were the one doing all the talking, not him. And yet he was so attentive. So genuine. For a stranger.

A stranger who kissed me.

Okay, it was just a kiss on my temple but still it was so intimate. The way he held my chin in his hand and how gentle he pressed his lips against my skin.

I shook my head at myself and my ridiculousness and my sight fell on my wrist watch.

'Oh, no.', I mumbled and hurried my steps.
I spent so much time on thinking of that one guy that I forgot to hurry for my train. The next one was due in ten minutes and if I didn't make it in time, I had to wait almost half an hour.

I crossed one of the many squares when I felt an iron-like grip on my arm and I was yanked into a dark pathway, hidden from the masses of people that were strolling about town.

Next thing I knew, I was pressed against a wall and surrounded by a group of strangers. I couldn't see their faces, for they were hooded. One of the men grabbed me around the neck and leaned forward.

My heart was pounding and I could hear the blood rushing through my veins. My breathing was rigid and I struggled against the hand that held me captivated.

"Come on, girl. Don't get cranky. The fun part didn't even start," sneered one of the other men. They laughed in chorus and I got sick upon hearing this. My stomach turned and I felt the urge to vomit.

Suddenly I saw movement out of the corner of my eyes. It went so fast that everything became a blurr. I only knew that the grip around my neck was gone and I fell to the ground. My head was bent and I keeled on the spot against the wall. I was too weak to look up. My frame was shaking violently and I crawled to the bags that fell from my hands when I was pulled into that corner.

A hand landed at the small of my back and my head jerked up. A young man was hovering above me and helped me get up. He lifted my bags and handed them to me. His face harbored a sad expression and he carefully guided me back onto the streets.

"Is everything ok?" He asked. His voice sounded low and soft. I looked around but saw none of the men from earlier. They were all gone. I took a deep breath and nodded.

"Thank you." I breathed shakily.

The man smiled. "Anytime. Shall I guide you to your destination?"

I only shook my head. If I hurried I would maybe make it in time.

"No, it's ok." I only said.

He smiled again and grabbed my hand. My breath hitched in my throat. Had he only saved me to kill me himself? I was about to panic when he bend his head down as if to kiss my hand. I stood in awe when he suddenly flared his nostrils and picked his head up so fast, that I was sure he would strain it.

He looked at me with a stern expression. His composure rigid.

"I'm sorry, but I must go." He said, "Stay safe."

And with that said, my rescuer went, leaving me more confused than before.