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Re: Erotic novel - Sugar Lips - Chapter 21

Posted: 03 Jan 2016 09:47
by sexy
Chapter 21
I walk out the office with my heart feeling two tons too big and my body feeling like it doesn't even belong to me. I can't believe I just sat there like a bump on long and let Jace take all the heat for this, I should have said something, I should have done something...but I'm weak, I'm spineless, I'm worthless, I'm.. "Aww are you gonna cry about it you little freak." Austin said as he heavily swung his arm around my shoulders. "You sad that your little boyfriend is going away from you, well I should let you know the next time you see him you won't even recognize him because I'm going to bash his fucking face in for that stunt."

I whip around smacking his hand off my shoulder and point a finger in Austin's face "Don't you dare hurt him you brainless bastard." He puts his hands up in mock fear with a big grin stretching the bruise on his face "ooo brainless bastard, that's a step up for you, hmm looks like your little hero is making you forgot who your masters are but trust me you stupid bitch we will remind you." He spit on my shoes and shoves me aside nearly knocking me completely to the ground.

I steady myself and as if on autopilot I walk to the bathroom. I grab a paper towel and then enter a stall and sit on the toilet seat just staring at Austin's spit on my shoes. I feel as though my whole entire fucked up world now has a ticking time bomb attached to it and i have no idea when its going to go off. I feel a burning in my lungs not even realizing i had been holding my breath. I take a sharp and deep breath in and without thinking a blood curdling scream escapes from my throat and the tears start streaming.

I fall to the floor rocking back and forth, knees cradled to my chest. What have i done? In such a short amount of time my life has transformed from shitty to a blazing inferno of hell and I am now bringing everyone else down with me...To be continued