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Erotic book - Bonafied Hoe Urban Classic By: Dalisha Truzy

Posted: 05 Jan 2016 09:09
by sexy_parul
Katia Parker loves to live life on the wild side. She doesn't have many female friends because she keeps her circle tight. She's a down right dirty Bonafied Hoe! She will steal your women our men from right up under your nose. She has many enemies as she do friend emies so she always had to watch out. But as far as men friends she has so many she can't keep up. Sleeping with married men is her specialty. She could care less about breaking up a happy home. Can she keep up playing these dangerous games of cat and mouse? Or will all of her bad ways come back in bite get in the ass?

Re: Erotic book - Bonafied Hoe Chapter 1

Posted: 05 Jan 2016 09:11
by sexy_parul
Chapter 1

"Oh yeah that's how you like it daddy!'' I screamed out in pleasure as I gripped my hands while rotating my tongue around the head of his dick.

I sucked him with every thrust as my hands were going in a up and down motion. Then I licked and massaged his balls as I came up for air only to take his dick into my mouth as deep as I could while saliva hit his skin and dropped onto the patio. I loved being in charge and having men go crazy when I put it on their ass.

"Oh...shit!'' he moaned as I got up and mounted myself backwards in riding him! I grabbed his nine inch dick and placed him gently inside of me.

A moan escaped both of our mouths as my muscles contracted to take all of him. I begin gyrating my hips as I whined my body in a circles. His hands held on to my ass and hips as I bounced up and down like a cowgirl riding a horse.

He moaned.

I rode him like he'd never been rode before. Then he got up with me still backwards as I leaned my body over the guard rail while arching my back as my ass stuck out as he pounded me from the back.

The beach was beautiful as I heard the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks.

"Oh yes daddy right there go deeper!'' I screamed.

Then my body started to tense up. I felt shivers run up and down my spin.

"Oh fuck ma! I'm about to nut!'' he yelled out as we both climaxed and yelled out in ecstasy.

Hours Later...

"Wud up bitch?" my friend Charity yelled out as she walked over towards me.

We were at the movie theaters about to go watch Mama which was some scary movie that we heard was good. We paid for our tickets and headed to go buy some popcorn, drinks, and candy. Then we headed to the number four door. We then begin walking upstairs to the top while the previews of the movie started the play.

There was a lot people at the movie theaters. We begin to watch eagery. So far the movie was good. Then a baby just keep crying while interrupting the movie. The lady would shake the baby and jammed the pacifier in it's mouth but that baby wasn't having it so he kept shooting it back out his mouth. So she reached in the baby bag and pulled out a bottle of milk. That satisfied the baby so far.

"Damn that don't make no sense that people can't even enjoy a movie now in days. They need to leave them whinning ass babies home!'' Charity said aggravated.

About thirty minutes later that damn baby started crying again.

"Oh my God! Get outta here with that whinning ass baby!''Sommebody shouted out as they threw some popcorn towards the lady.

The next thing I knew everybody started throwing popcorn and candy at each other.

The lady ran out while holding the baby and everybody strated clappng and cheering.

"Damn are you serious a food fight!'' I said.

" So we joined in for a little while throwing mm's, popcorn, skittles, and nerds until the co workers came flying into the room while looking shocked as hell as everyone was throwing food across the theaters.

" Oh shit!'' I said giggling.

We then grabbed our shit and headed out only to speak with the manager to get our refund. I can't believe what just happened. I seen the lady come out the bathroom while holding the baby with candy and popcorn all in her hair. That shit was hella funny! We ended up leaving. We stopped to Golden Corral and get us something to eat.

"I know some fat people be having them a good old time up in here," Charity said with a giggle.

"Ya ass got jokes ya crazy self," I said while putting my tray down on a table.

"It's been a while since I been here," I said while looking around.

"Yeah me too," She said.

I noticed a cottoncandy maker and a chocolate fountain.

"I wouldn't mind having one of them my damn self," I said while thinking dirty thoughts.

"I could only image," Charity said

with a giggle.

We begin eating while conversating in between. Charity was over there stuffing her face like a squirrel. I tried to compose myself to stop from laughing. We got up about two more times stuffing our face with fried chicken, corn on the cob, barbeque, cold slaw, steak, mac and cheese, ice cream, chocolate covered strawberries, and salad, pineapple cake. We were stuffed.

We stayed for about a hour before leaving. Afterwards we just decided to stop by the park and walk off some of that food. There was a bunch of guys out playing basketball, people jogging with their mp3 's clipped into their clothing, kids running around playing, bikers, skaters, and skateboarders out just having a good time.

I seen some people playing tennis and they was even some parties going on.

You could smell the food that was grilling on the grill. We observered all of our surrounding while taking in some fresh air. We were now just walking around a little as we watched the kids go by on the train. Then we ended up seting on some bleachers and watched some fine looking guys play their basketball game.

"Damn! That guy right there is fine as hell Charity," she said while pointing.

"Which one?'' I said looking out into the full court of guys. The one with the red balling shorts on with his shirt off," she said. "Hell yeah he is!'' I said eye balling him up and down. They was just finishing up a game and was grabbing their bags, phones and shirts before walking out the gate.

I had my eye on the guy with the black balling shorts. He was about 6'1, coca complexion, athletic built, with a brush cut with waves. When I seen him walk out the gate I dropped my lipstick under the bleachers and bent over to retrieve it. I made sure he got a good view of my ass.

" Girl they walking ove here," Charity said in a whisper as I came up with my lipstick.

"Hello ladies how are you?'' he said while holding his basketball in his right hand.

"Hey we're good,'' we said in unison while smiling.

" I'm Shamar and this is my boy Tez," he said while pointing at the lightskin guy who was grining beside him.

"I'm Katia and this is my best friend Charity," I said.

"Nice to meet you," she said while eyeballing Tez up and down.

"Same here,'' he said with a smile.

He had hazel eyes with braids and dimples. He was about 6'2, deep dark brown eyes, brush cut with waves, athletic an built.

''I was wondering would you ladies like to go out with us later on tonight at Shamrock?" he said looking me in my eyes.

I looked at Charity for conformation. She hunched her sholders .

" Sure call me,'' I said.

And I passed him my phone for him to type in his phone number and he passed it back.

"See you tonight," I said as they turned to walk back towards the car.

"Damn they were fine!'' Charity said smiling.

''We got to go out and find us something to wear,''I said.

"You know we gotta be fly,'' Charity said snapping he ringers.

"Yeah let's go to the mall and find us both something for tonight," I said while getting off the stool as we headed back to my car.

Re: Erotic book - Bonafied Hoe Chapter 2

Posted: 05 Jan 2016 09:11
by sexy_parul
Chapter 2

We were all sitting at a table laughing and engaging in random conversation at Shamrock. The restaurant was packed as always with many people and all of the food was delicious! The buffet had in and everything. Charity was sitting across from Tez and I was sitting across from Shamar. Tez was funny but laid back and Shamar seemed to be very cool and down to earth. Maybe I could put him on my fuck list. I thought to myself. If men could do it, why couldn't we? Charity and Tez got up to go fix another plate. " So are you enjoying yourself?'' Shamar asked. " Why yes I am," I said with a smile. " I'm glad you are," he said smiling as was taking a bite of his fried chicken. I begin eating my meat loaf as I looked him up and down like he was a piece of meat.

He caught me stirring and smiled. " Is something wrong?'' he asked. '' Oh no I was just thinking about something," I said as Charity and Tez came back to the table. We begin having random conversation even though my thoughts were totally some place else. When really the whole time I was sizing him up. I was thinking I could either (1) Take him home and get my groove on or just to enjoy the sex and don't get emotionally attached or involved (2) I could just walk away with memories of having a wonderful dinner. Having a relationship is out! If his sex is banging I could keep him on the side like the others.

I was still on a mission to find more money men. I had bills to pay and they couldn't get paid by themselves. And I ain't lying when I say bills galore. Plus I loved to go on exquisite shopping sprees during my free time. Having that extra doe really paid off especially in my bank accounts. And I had more than a little something something put away for hard times. The money man is the guy who knows how to provide, knows how to bring home the bacon and gives me everything I want. He might not be as good in the bedroom sexually, but since his pockets were heavy I can pull off lots of fake moans an organism.

I excused myself so that I could go to the restroom. Before I could get to the restroom door (SMACK). I was thrown onto the tile floor. " Ooch" ... I said hitting the floor with a loud thud. " Oh I'm so sorry Miss," he said extending his hand out to help pick me up off the floor. Once I was up I started to wipe myself off. ''Are you okay?'' he asked. I looked up to see this sexy hunk of a man standing in front of me. His eyes were grey and were mesmerizing.

He was about 6"1, 180 pounds with deep dimples and a tapered hair cut with curls on top. He looked to be mixed. He was dressed nicely in a while button down shirt, lavender tie, with black slacks. He definitely had money. With that bilnged out watch he had on and that emerald cut ring on his pinky finger. But what I did noticed was he didn't have on a wedding band.

" I'm Brent and you are?'' He questioned.

''Katia'' I said with a smile.

'' I'm not trying to hold you up but you are beautiful," he said .

"Thank You," I said while he grabbied my hand and placing of top his mouth as he softly kissed it.

He had the softest lips I've ever felt. I blushed.

" Not to be so blunt but I would like to make it up to you and take you out sometime," he said with a smile while passing me his card.

" Okay'' I replied.

"Call me,'' he said before we walked our separate ways.

I entered the bathroom and did my thing and excited the stall while walking towards the faucet. I washed my hands and went inside my clutch to retrieve my lipstick. I then asked my bronze M.A.C lipstick and ran my fingers throughmy hair before exiting the bathroom.

I returned back to the table as everyone prepared themselves to leave. The guys paid for our dinner as Charity and I headed out the door to have a little girl talk.

''So what you think?"' she asked as soon as we stepped out of the double glass doors.

''He's adoreable," I said while giving Charity a high five while smiling.

''Really? She said with a smile.

''Yeah he really is,'' I said as I took out my compact mirror and looked at myself.

" He's going home with me tonight," I said with a giggle.

"You little hoe,'' she said playfully while laughing.

" I'm that Bonafield Gold Digging Hoe who gets paid," I said while correcting here.

" Girl you are a trip," she said just as the guys were walking out the glass doors.

We then jumped in Shamar's white Tahoe while the sounds of Lil Wayne filled our ears. We relaxed and listened to Rolling as we sped down the highway. I looked back in the passenger seat at Charity who was dancing in her seat. That girl knew how to be the life of the party. We ended up dropping Charity off at her house and she asked Tez to stay with her. He took no time in saying that he'll spend the night. We said our goodbyes to our friends while pulling out and heading back to my crib