erotic book - Little Brother's Big Thing by Lee Schlangen

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Re: erotic book - Little Brother's Big Thing by Lee Schlange

Unread post by admin » 22 Feb 2016 15:05

Chapter 3
We stayed on the lounge quite awhile with Mark's pecker still in me. It was soft and had shrunk a lot, so
some of his cum oozed out around it and got both of us gooey and sticky, and the smell of cock got
pretty heavy in the night heat, but everything felt great to me. We couldn't stay that way forever, though;
Gunner kept whining and nudging at us and his wet nose was awfully cold when he poked it against my
side or reared up and stuck it between the backs of my legs.
So we got up and giggled a lot and took a shower together. It was the first time either of us had done
that. Mark got another hard-on, what with both of us being soapy and slick and him rubbing against my
tits and feeling around. But I wasn't about to let him climb onto me again that night. I mean, a girl doesn't
have any right to spoil a kid, even if she is the one who's supporting him. I turned off the hot water when
he wasn't looking and the cold stream shriveled him up in a hurry. Even after that, though, we toweled
each other dry. I'm afraid I was just about as horny as he was, and I had the most delicious feeling about
being able to do just what we wanted to. I made sure the door to the hallway was locked and we went
back to the sun porch and left our clothes off and talked.
We didn't turn on the lights; the moon was shining in so bright we could almost make out colors in its
glare. And a couple of times we heard people going past in the alley and got up and stood right in the
window, naked and gleaming in the silvery light, with me hanging onto Mark's cock and him getting a
handful of tit. Nobody happened to look up, and I guess that was pretty lucky. If they'd seen us and said
anything to Ma Conner, our ass would have been in a sling.
Somehow we got around to talking a little about what had happened at supper. Mark was sorry for
Will, although I felt the kid deserved whatever Ma said.
"Aw, sis!" Mark argued. "How would you like somebody all the time telling you how much you owed
her? And knowing your mother didn't even care enough about you to care what happened to you?
Wouldn't make you real nice, I bet."
"Well ..." I hadn't thought of Will that way. He was just a nasty, irritating kid, as far as I was concerned.
But when Mark put it that way I did have to admit Will had an awful lot of provocation for being a snot.
"Well, maybe ..."
"Who likes him, sis? Ain't one person here that does! What's he got going for him?"
That got me where I was weakest. Mark and I had found out all about being lonely and miserable. But
at least we knew our mom and dad had loved us and done everything for us they could while they were
alive. Will hadn't even had a father; everybody in Emporia knew he was a bastard. And then to lose his
mother the way he did-to have her take off to be a whore and not even see that anybody was going to
take care of him ...
Well, that was bound to make him feel terrible. It was bound to make him bitter and defensive and
contrary. The worst part of it was, like Mark said, nobody anywhere liked the little shit! The more I
thought about it, the worse I felt. I'd been just as mean to Will as I could be. I'd gone out of my way to
make things miserable for him. And there had been a few times when he'd actually tried to be nice to me,
like a dog you kick around still comes nosing around with his tail between his legs trying to make you
like him.
Maybe I was still thinking about that the next morning. I know I wasn't being very careful. I let Duane
Fowler trap me in the upper hallway before I even realized he was there. I guess I was worried about
two things. I didn't want to have it on my conscience I'd helped drive a kid out of society. But neither did
I like the way Mark seemed to be trying to pattern himself after Will. I mean, I was beginning to see
signs of Will's rebelliousness and contempt for what he called the "establishment" cropping up in Mark.
And I sure wasn't going to stand still for that!
So there I was. I ran right into Duane ... bumped into him and fell back and looked up to see him
looming over me and grinning down at me.
He gave me a real leer and ran his stare right down over me as if I were naked. And he said, "Hey,
baby! We've got hours and hours before we've got to open up the alleys. What do you say you come on
into my apartment for little cozy loving up?"
I backed a little further away and looked around to see if anybody was around. I knew Mark was still
asleep in his room and it looked like Eric might have gone out already. Anyhow, there wasn't anybody in
sight upstairs. So I sort of bristled and tried to bluff my way out of it.
"Get lost, man! Maybe you've got plenty of time to waste! Not me! And I don't want any of your loving
"Aw, don't be a sorehead. And don't play so hard to get! Hell, I know you don't mind putting out."
"You don't either! You know those stories aren't true!"
"Yeah? How would I know? Where there's smoke there's fire, I always heard."
"Well, I'm not hot for you, Duane Fowler. You just leave me be! I wouldn't sleep with you if you were
the only man in Emporia!"
He turned ugly. He stuck out his jaw at me and sort of bent toward me and I thought he might hit me. He
didn't; he just snarled. "Shit! One of these days you're going to piss me off, kid! What's to keep me from
grabbing you right now and yanking you in there? Bet you wouldn't even holler!"
"Better see I can't get my fingernails to your eyes, you bastard!"
He kind of lowered his voice. "One of these days, twat! ..." And his eyes looked like a snake's. "One of
these days I'm going to tie you up and take some of the sass out of you! Time I get through, you'll beg
me to fuck you every time you see me!"
"Fat chance!" I flared at him, a great big chunk of ice in my belly.
He made a sudden lunge as if he meant to grab me. I whirled with a choked yell and made a dash for my
own door. I flung it open and dived through. And as I yanked it shut I realized he hadn't taken one step
after me. He was still standing there, feet widely planted and hands on hips, laughing up a storm!
Just the same, I didn't go back into the hall until I'd made sure he wasn't there. By the time I did go
downstairs, Mark was up and went with me. And everybody was already there. Eric was taking the day
off, letting the assistant superintendent handle the dock, and he had on a real snappy-looking pair of
brown slacks and a yellow, pull-over sportshirt. His muscles bulged under it and I felt like a giant hand
was squeezing my chest.
I spoke to him without thinking. "Oh, gee, you look nice!"
"Hmm." He didn't sound the least bit interested in how I thought he looked.
"Eric ..."
"Hm?" He still wasn't interested.
"Eric ... those things Nancy was hinting last night ... there isn't a bit of truth in them."
He just lifted his eyebrows ... didn't even say anything. And Nancy edged in our direction. She hadn't
heard what I'd said; I'd kept my voice low. But maybe it looked to her like there was something
developing between Eric and me. She made her hips sway and twisted her shoulders a little so her
boobs would look bigger than they were and fluttered her eyelashes. And when she lowered her head
and made a shy-type smile that wouldn't have fooled anybody, Eric actually smiled back at her.
It made me sick to my stomach, and I went on into the dining room for breakfast. Will was there. When
I sat down, he went into one of those "good-dog" acts, trying to make up. Well, maybe "good-dog"
didn't fit this time. He was pretty blunt and outspoken.
"No call for that stuck-up brat to go around making dirty digs at people like she did," he remarked. He
didn't raise his head ... simply spoke around a mouthful of cereal and shoveled in another bite.
"That stupid Nancy. She's a squid."
"What's a squid?"
He glanced up, then, an expression of lofty pity there to irritate me.
"What Nancy is," he said.
My conversation with Mark came back to me. I had to try to be nicer to Will. "Thank you for caring," I
told him softly. "It makes it a lot easier to ignore her."
He choked on the bite he was swallowing. "Huh? Thank you?"
"Well, nobody else cared enough to think about how nasty she was being!"
"I ..." He looked confused and maybe a little upset, as if it screwed everything up for somebody to do
something besides yell at him. "Well ... nobody stops and thinks how rough it was for you and Mark to
have both your ma and pa killed at once. I mean, they ain't lookin' at what it's like when you gotta
support your kid brother. The establishment don't make no allowances for that kind of cases. You're on
your own like everybody else. And if they c'n get their hooks into you, screw you!"
I didn't like all that talk about the establishment. It was like saying something bad about the flag, almost.
"I don't know that I understand that part about the establishment. I mean, what have I got to do with
that?" Maybe if I led him on a little I could show him where he was going wrong.
"When you got time someday, I'll explain." He was starting to sound superior again, like that type usually
does when you pin them down.
"Why not this morning?" I asked. "I've got some time after breakfast."
"Aww ... There would just be somebody interrupting and making a big noise and not knowing what they
were talking about."
"No! Come visit me! We can sit on the sun porch and watch the people down below and talk without
anybody bothering us!" He wasn't going to get away with any old excuse! If I could force him to talk
sense just once he'd see what silly slogans he was mouthing.
He acted as if I'd trapped him. "Naw. Mark wouldn't understand me trying to make you see. And then
he'd go around telling everybody all about it and laughing."
"He's going fishing with a couple of the kids down the street. He won't be there."
"Hmph." Will was as contemptuous of fishing for channel cats in the river as he was of the establishment.
"Well ... okay! I'll come up! Only you don't really want to know."
"You'll see." I knew he was preparing himself-making excuses ahead of time for the fact he didn't have
anything to back up the meaningless phrases he'd learned.
But he did come up. When he rapped on the door and I opened it, I glanced up the hall to see if
anybody was there to notice and breathed a sigh of relief nobody was. As nasty-minded as people were
getting to be, no telling what they'd say if they saw him coming into my apartment. I let him in and closed
the door fast. And just to be sure, after I motioned him through to the sun porch, I locked the door so
nobody would come in without knocking.
For just a second or two, I stood there with my hand on the lock, a strange tingle going over me. There
was something appealing about Will in spite of his disagreeable personality. He acted as if under all his
bluster he was as naive and inexperienced as Mark. He was only a little older, and if everybody reacted
to him the way we did at Ma's, there wouldn't have been much of a way for him to have any
experiences. I let myself wonder for an instant if his foreskin would be as tight and unmanageable as
Mark's had been if a girl were to try it, then shook off the notion and scolded myself. For Christ's sake
get a hold of yourself! I thought. Just because he's a male and you've got him alone with you in your
apartment doesn't mean you've got to teach him how to fuck! This isn't the Bijou! Don't be a slut!
So I went out and sat with Will and watched people going by below and listened to him. He didn't have
any better idea what he was talking about than I'd expected. All he knew was the slogans and catch
But he did keep glancing at my boobies out of the comer of his eye, and for the first time I didn't feel
dirty about his looking at me. It kept coming back to me that it was lack of love that made him such a
mean, nasty kid. And I kept drifting back to the idea one person could wipe out all of that aloneness and

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Re: erotic book - Little Brother's Big Thing by Lee Schlange

Unread post by admin » 22 Feb 2016 15:06

Chapter 4
Thinking about how close he was to Mark's age and how all alone he was and how Ma never did
anything but pick on him, I got all motherly and tender toward him. He wasn't acting the way he usually
did; not all smart-ass and know-it-all. He did try to explain the rebellious way he felt. And he did get
uncomfortable when some of the things came out sounding pretty hollow. But most of his sincerity most
likely was because I listened and didn't shoot him down every time he made a statement.
Pretty soon, when both of us knew he'd said everything he knew, he looked at me real solemn-like and
shook his head. His voice was so low I could hardly hear what he said. "How come you're so different,
Lee? You ain't a bit like anybody else I know." And then, his face kind of working, "Mark sure is lucky."
I didn't know what to say. I didn't say anything right away, but just looked into those black eyes of his
and let the misery behind them soak into me. Then I realized he was going to embarrass himself by letting
his lip quiver if I kept looking at him that way. A fifteen-year-old was terribly young and vulnerable, I
reminded myself. He might be grown-up enough to screw, physically, but he was still a little boy mentally.
"You had something important to say," I replied as softly as he'd asked.
"I wanted to understand. Besides, it's important what you believe."
That was the wrong thing to say, I guess. Suggesting he was important to anybody but himself cracked
the shell he'd spent so long building around himself. His eyes glistened and I knew he had tears in them.
On impulse, moving before I knew I was going to, I went to him and stood beside his chair cradling his
head against my belly. He sat real rigid for a minute and then his shoulders started to shake. I didn't say
anything or do anything, except my fingertips sort of rubbed the side of his head. And before long the
shaking stopped and his arm slid around me at hip level. His arm was squeezing my ass-cheeks and his
hand was on my thigh and sudden, jagged knives of desire were slashing through me.
He was still young enough to teach, I realized. He'd appreciate it like Marky did, I thought. He'd be all
big-eyed and breathless. And he's got a young, tender, smooth-headed cock like Mark's. I rubbed my
love mound on his shoulder and rubbed the side of his head harder with my fingers. And I bent so one
boob rested against his forehead and hung in front of his eyes.
With the contact, everything in me turned on. Pleasure made my stomach flutter and sent hard tingles
shooting into my nipples and brought an abrupt, twitching tautness to my pussy. My mouth watered at
the thought of that sweet, uneducated young peter hiding in his pants. He was bitter and lonely, but he
could melt the bitterness and wash away the loneliness in the delicious closeness I could teach him.
I rubbed my tit on his face, the soft, hot flesh scraping against the layers of cloth separating his flesh from
mine. And I thrilled to his quick response as his hand dipped to the short hem of my skirt and slid up my
"Just rest, sweetie," I whispered. "There're ways of being not lonely."
"Gawddamn!" he exclaimed with an awed tone. "You for real?"
"You made love before?"
"Me? Uh ... well ..."
"Don't tell me, sweetie. I don't want to know that." He hadn't. His hesitation told me that. And it wasn't
fair to make him say so. But he was a virgin, just as Mark had been. I was going to be the one who
taught him.
I unbuttoned my blouse and pulled it free of my skirt. And I continued to bend over him while I reached
behind my back to unfasten my bra, my hands under the blouse. I shrugged out of blouse and bra
quickly and rubbed my bare tit in his face for a moment, then stepped back. I let him stare, knowing
whatever he'd seen of boobies had either been in pictures kids had with them or through crevices where
curtains hadn't quite cut off the view. He gawked. His tongue worked at his lips and his knuckles
whitened as he clenched and unclenched his fists.
"Man, what pretty knockers!" he exclaimed enthusiastically. "Real gone jugs!"
"Feel them. Come over here and feel them." I dropped into my chair again and leaned back like a
duchess. He came to me, kneeling beside the chair and feeling the round, warm smoothness of one
boob. His fingers explored the rubbery, moist surface of the nipple, rolling it between them and pulling it
outward a little to see it stretch. The front of his pants bulged, tenting over the hard-on inside.
I twisted my shoulders to present the other tit. "Don't make this one jealous," I warned him. "Always be
fair when you're Playing with boobies."
He gulped and shifted his position until he could reach with both hands.
"Cripes, Lee! They're all soft and mushy!"
"Huh! Mushy!"
"Aw, shit! You know what I mean! Firm, but the inside stuff sort of slides out from under my hands!
You know! I didn't really mean mushy!"
I giggled and sighed. He was going to be fun to teach. The student who was afraid he'd make his teacher
mad was the kind who tried hardest.
I touched the bump in his pants with one fingertip and he jerked back convulsively. His face reddened
and he squirmed. I felt dizzy with power as I pushed myself to my feet. There wasn't any question about
who was boss. He might be a rebel on the street, but on my sun porch he was being humble and
cautious. He was scared to death of me and of making a fool of himself.
I unzipped my skirt and slid it over my half-slip. His eyes bugged at the way the white nylon of the slip
hugged my hips and cupped in at my crotch. His Adam's apple bobbed spasmodically. Stepping out of
the skirt, I stretched the elastic in the waistband of the half-slip and began to wriggle out of the garment.
He groaned. "Cripes, Lee! Something's gonna give!"
I chuckled lightly. "Sure, sweetie. I am."
The slip came off my hips to reveal sheer green panties. At the crotch, one strand of dark hair had
escaped and curled against the pale cloth. Will stared open-mouthed at it and made a light, whimpering
sound in his throat.
Gaily, I began to roll down the top of the panties. When they stretched in a taut line across my lower
belly, pubic hair peeping over them, I reached down and slid the slip off my thighs. I made sure he could
see clearly while I lifted one leg, then the other, out of the clinging garment. And I made a work of art
working the panties down to expose my pussy. The crotch was darkened by the pussy-juice I'd already
oozed, and I knew he was seeing a pink, glistening set of pussy-lips through the veil of my curling, thick
I stood before him, then, still wearing my self-supporting stockings and high heels. He was shaking like
an old man. Even his hips were jerking. I turned all the way around for him, letting him feast his eyes on
the delicate, clean curves and tantalizing mounds.
"Give you an appetite, sweetie?" I asked gently.
"I dunno about no appetite," he grumbled, "but I'm gonna have hot nuts pretty quick!" "Well take care of
that. Now, it's your turn. Why don't you get undressed for me?"
"Oh, cripes! What if somebody comes, Lee?"
"We're both going to cum, sweetie!"
"Aw, shit! I mean ..."
I let my laughter tinkle around him. "I know what you mean. Nobody's going to come in. The door's
I thought I saw a strange light flicker in his eyes, but it was gone so fast I decided it was my imagination.
His fingers fumbled with his clothes. I thought he never was going to get them off! But he finally did, and
when he pulled down his shorts, his cock leaped erect with such violence I could hear it slap his belly.
He had more body hair than Mark. He was going to be a hairy man, I could see, and he already had a
good start. What made it more obvious was his hair was a glossy black. That made it look thicker than it
really was. He gave his clothes a healthy kick and sent them flying into a corner. His face a study in
embarrassment, he quieted his fidgeting and faced me. His fists were clenched and tight at his sides while
his cock trembled in front of his belly. We faced each other silently while he slowly overcome his
embarrassment by appraising me. When I'd heated up to the steaming point under his stare, I backed
him to one of the straight chairs and pushed him onto it. I was quaking inside; taking the aggressive role
with a fifteen-year-old was a whole lot different from babying the twelve-year-olds Mr. Goldstein had
made me teach.
But I hid my growing terror behind a bold, brazen exterior. With a knowing smile, I placed my hands on
his shoulders and slowly inched toward him, straddling his legs. He was having obvious trouble getting
his breath and his cock quivered, it was so hard. He laid his hands on my hips, his eyes wide with
concern over making the wrong move, and I kept moving in until my pussy-hair flattened on his belly.
My position was awkward; I had to bend my knees outward sharply or spread my feet at a horrible
angle because of the way the chair seat wedged my legs apart that close in. And if I spread my feet as
far as I'd have to, I'd be forced to put too much of my weight on him. So I kept my knees out and my
feet in and stood on tiptoe.
My boobies hung right in his face, and he held his head still, as if it were carved out of stone. An imp of
perversity got hold of me. I twisted my shoulders gently from side to side, making first one tit and then
the other bump his cheek. He colored again, but he began to get the idea, turning his head to press his
face to one boob or the other. I drew back just a little and positioned one boobie in front of his face, the
nipple brushing his lips.
Once again, he froze up.
"Go ahead! Kiss it!" I said.
He gulped and kissed it. The way he jerked back and the expression in his face, I was sure he hadn't
ever gotten his mouth on a tit before. He kissed the pink, wrinkled lump again, his lips tightly together
like a kid who's kissing somebody for the first time. Then, with a quick glance into my face, he touched
the velvety button with the tip of his tongue.
"Ooh! Feels funny!" he exclaimed.
"Try getting it between your lips," I suggested. Christ, isn't this kid ever going to thaw? I wondered.
He obeyed. His lips closed on the quivering, eager nubbin and he worked it back and forth in them,
getting used to the feel. I felt the tip of his tongue exploring the puckered end of the nipple and quick little
thrills of pleasure began to well inward. It seemed to take him forever, but he gradually warmed to the
action. Without my having to tell him, he started sucking. And the moment he did, the nipple began to
swell. The puckering vanished, every hollow filling with newly-turgid flesh, and the lump thrust outward
from the face of my boob. The way his tongue began to caress the sides of the nipple, I knew he could
tell the sudden difference.
He was getting over his shyness, too. His hands slipped around from my hips onto my firm, rounded,
smooth ass-cheeks. He squeezed with his fingers and wiggled the warm mounds, pulling them apart and
closing them together. And to my surprise, his fingers worked gradually toward the center and into my
The composure of the teacher deserted me; by taking the initiative, he was arousing my femininity and
producing the deep, inner excitement that comes from mental awareness of sex rather than simply from
external stimulus. I felt my pussy writhing with hungry, gulping motion and my thighs tightened and
trembled. I let myself down onto his lap and leaned back to keep my boobies at an angle where he
could continue sucking at them. And I put my feet on the upper rungs of the chair, my knees angling out
further, and pulled myself closer so my pussy rode against the cylinder of his cock-shaft.
He was becoming increasingly self-confident. "Hey, Lee! We're gonna fuck, ain't we?"
"You think this was a tea party?" I giggled. "Of course, we're going to fuck!"
"Mmmm!" He squeezed my ass-cheeks and lifted me.
Sliding down on the chair, his ass going out to the front edge of the seat, he got his cock under me. He
maneuvered it until his cockhead, pulsing and ready, was touching my steamy slit. And he let go with his
I didn't settle onto his cock ... not yet. "Wait, sweetie!" I protested.
"Just a minute. Okay?"
"Uh ... what for?"
I grinned. "Secret."
He looked disappointed and suspicious, but he grunted assent.
I got my feet on the floor, struggling to keep from impaling myself on his waiting cock, and backed off
him. Pushing his knees apart, I knelt between them.
"Hey! Whatchya doin'?"
"Sweetie, a man's got to know he's not just a stick for a woman to screw herself onto!"
"Huh?" He sounded as if he thought I was crazy.
Maybe I was a little. It was something pounded into me while I worked for Mr. Goldstein, and I didn't
know if I'd ever lose it. Anyway, I bent close to his peter and caressed it with my fingertips. It seemed a
lot smaller than Mark's, but it was nice. The base was just about hidden in the thick, black hair around it,
but it stuck up hard and smooth. The hard shield on the back and sides was indented and ridged, as if it
were made up of rib-like bands, and the meaty part bulged between the edges of the shell all the way
from base to head. There were veins showing faintly blue beneath the shiny, tight skin, and the foreskin
looked heavy and wrinkled even with his hard-on.
I nibbled at the underside of the bobbing cock-shaft as if it were an ear of corn, and Will's thighs tensed
and started to shake.
"Whew! Oooh, that does feel good!" he exclaimed.
"It's supposed to."
My lipstick was already smeared along the length of the pale dick, and as I lipped his foreskin it coated
the soft, fleshy hood heavily. After my experience with Mark, I was cautious when I got ready to strip
back Will's foreskin. I needn't have worried. The opening stretched easily and slid back smoothly to
expose the purple head of his cock.
He grunted when I pressed close to touch the round knob with my tongue.
But when I put my lips to the slit and started to suck, he went wild.
The whole game went to pieces!
He grabbed me by the hair and yanked my face away from the tender cockhead. "Shit, that's going to
blow me off too fast!" He pulled me up, then swung me to the side so I fell across his thigh. And he got
hold of my waist and turned me upside down, my feet waving in the air and my belly against his chest.
He got one arm across the small of my back, clamping me against him, then knocked my thighs apart
and stuck his face into my pussy. I could hear him sniffing.
"Jesus, Lee! Smell that cunt! Sweeeeet!"
He started licking, scooping up the thickening wetness and biting at my pussy-lips. I locked furiously,
enraged at so suddenly turning into a toy for him. But the pleasure of the quick-probing, greedy tongue
washed away my anger and reduced me to a squirming, eager frame for my cunt.
"Ahhh! ... Unnnhhh!" I got hold of his thighs and worked my mouth close to his cock. "YUNNNHHH!"
The naked cockhead quivered before me. I seized it with one hand and rubbed it while his hips started
leaping. Sliding my grip to the shaft, I gulped his cockhead into my mouth and began sucking. Will
twisted and bucked, but he wouldn't put me down. Instead, he got my knees under his arms and started
licking around my asshole, grunting and wheezing. My ass-cheeks were widely spread by the grotesque
angle of my legs, and I could only jerk my hips around while his tongue twirled around the rim of my
anus. Excitement fluttered through me. My boobs felt like two bags of hot coals on his belly. I moaned
around the meaty, seeping mouthful I sucked on. And suddenly he stabbed the tip of his tongue into my
ass, twisting and reaming while I jerked my head up and babbled insanely.
"Yaghhh! ... Jesus Christ, Will! Dooon't do that!"
But I wanted him to. I loved the sensation and knew for the first time what I'd made those little boys feel
like. He stuck his tongue as far in as it would go while I writhed and tried not to reach my climax. And
when he pulled out his tongue, he started poking fingers into me. I gagged at the amazing feeling. His
hand twisted continuously while he widened my resisting anus by sticking more fingers into it. There was
a steady burning sensation, but the intense excitement that raged through me submerged the minor
discomfort and tore at my reluctance.
At last he swung me away and turned me right side up. "Let's fuck, now, Lee! Okay?"
I was past the stage of being the boss. All I wanted was what he was suggesting. "Yes! Yyyesss! Now,
Will, NOW!"
He turned me around and backed me over him. He still slouched on the chair, his ass on the very edge
and his cock sticking up at me. My pussy, quivering and wet and gulping, was ready to engulf the young,
jerking peter. And as he started to pull me down I sighed with anticipation.
But he missed my cunt-mouth. His cockhead lodged in the crack of my ass, bulging and hot against the
rim of my asshole.
"Wrong place!" I yelled. "Wait, Will! Wait a ... YEEOWWWWW! ...
Brutally, giving me no chance to protest or resist, he clamped his hands on my waist and drove me onto
that thick, meaty spike. My anus flamed, the agony filling me like hot air would fill a balloon. I could
actually feel the internal pressure swell me to the bursting point as that awful cylinder wedged through the
unwilling rim and plunged upward into my guts. My arms and legs thrust themselves straight and my
fingers and toes splayed apart. My eyes bulged and my mouth opened to its widest, the cords in my
throat leaping taut with an unsounded shriek. I felt myself slide down the length of his cock and slam
onto its base, buttocks flattened on the hardness of his thighs and ass cushioned on black pubic hair.
He let go of my waist and grabbed my wrists, jerking my arms behind me and locking them there. His
hips jerked fiercely and bounced me up and down his hot, slick shaft. The agony subsided and I began
to be conscious of the piston-like strokes of his bulbous cockhead in my belly. He held my arms with
one hand and reached around me to grope at my pussy. And without thinking, I guided his fingers by
twisting and squirming until they found my clitoris.
"UNH! ... OOOEEE! ... Rub there, Will! Rub my Clit!"
"Your what?" He felt of the hard little lump with his fingertips.
"What's that?"
"That's my clit! It's like a switch! Rub it!"
He started rubbing, not gently and coaxingly but vigorously.
"EEEE! ... NOT ... SO ... HARD!"
But he wasn't listening. His cock was plunging and bucking in my ass and he ground my clit against the
bony structure inside me. My feet flailed and my boobs jumped wildly, the excitement turning me giddy.
"AAIIIGHHH! ... OH, SHIT!... THERE IT GOESSS!" He groaned deeply and arched himself, his ass
high off the chair.
I felt his cock pulsing and the hot cum erupting in my gut. My passion flared and the pleasure bunched,
goading me toward a climax. But Will's hand fell away from my clit and he collapsed.
"Sonofabitch, Lee! Ohhh, sonofabitch!"
"I'll sonofabitch you!" I yelled frantically. "Do my clit, damn you!
Make me come!"
He laughed, his voice sneering. "Fuck you, lady! Why should I do all the work?" He pushed himself
back in the chair, his cock jerking roughly out of my ass, and flung me from him. "Go fuck yourself, you
stupid twat!"
I lay where I had fallen, staring up at him incredulously. He'd turned from a willing, half-scared boy into a
crude, ugly little rat! He didn't show any sigh of softening; the affection I'd tried to give him hadn't done a
thing for him! ... Except get him a free fuck in my ass! I thought bitterly.
He didn't even wash himself off. He simply pulled his clothes on and left the sun porch. "Typical
establishment, like I was trying to tell you," he remarked as he left. "Set a guy up with sweet talk and
give him a fucking!"
I cried. Dirty little sonofabitch! I thought. Somebody tries to be nice to you and you stick it up their ass!

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Re: erotic book - Little Brother's Big Thing by Lee Schlange

Unread post by admin » 22 Feb 2016 15:06

Chapter 5
I was burning up. I was mad at the little shit for fooling me the way he had, but my ass was sore from its
reaming and I was about to turn inside out with frustration. I mean, he'd gotten me so hot I'd enjoyed
what he did! And then he'd thrown me aside without letting me have my orgasm!
And when dear, faithful Gunner came over and started nosing at me and whining with sympathy it was
more than I could take. I grabbed him and threw my arms around his neck and cried into his ruff. Part
shepherd and part something with a lot of hair, he had a thick enough coat for a girl to dry a lot of tears
on. So I hugged him and sobbed. And he took it patiently, licking at me now and then as if to say how
sorry he was.
Once in awhile his tongue was next to one of my boobs, and when the rough, warm surface rasped
across a tittie it just made things worse. I mean, it was like wet sandpaper going over one of those
sensitized nipples! It sent hot streaks through me and made my cunt-rim pucker and my belly churn! And
I knew that wasn't doing me any good! It was just going to keep me hot without offering any chance for
relief! The only thing to do was to get into the shower and maybe rub my clit until I could reach a climax.
I got hold of the window sill-it wasn't much more than knee-high-and started to push myself up. But
luckily I happened to be facing toward it and saw the guy next door rocking on his porch and looking
right at me. So I sort of dropped back, hunched up on my hands and knees wondering what to do. I'd
have to crawl out of the sun porch, I decided.
Only Gunner was nosing around again. He poked his nose against my pussy and sniffed. And it felt so
good I waited a minute and let him keep sniffing. He stuck his tongue out and licked, as if he were testing
the taste, then licked again like he meant business! God! I thought. Oh, God, that's great! And then,
Christ, Lee, why not! Licking like that he's going to make you cum before you know it!
I did crawl. I got over to the lounge with Gunner right behind me, his nose to my ass and his tongue
jabbing at my pussy. I was thinking fast. I wanted to be comfortable so I could enjoy the orgasm when
it came. And I wanted to make it easy for Gunner to get right down into my cunt with that marvelous,
flexible tongue of his. So I got hold of two of the straight chairs and put one at either side of the lounge,
just beyond the end. And I flopped onto the cushion on my back and pulled the chairs closer so their
back legs rested against the sides of the lounge. I raised my legs and hooked the backs of my knees
over the chair backs so I was split wide open.
"Okay, Gunner ... good boy! ... Come on, baby, get a mouthful. Goooood boy!"
He didn't need an invitation. He stuck his nose right down to my pussy and nosed along my pussy-lips
with slobber dripping off his tongue and started to lick. My God, what a technique! He didn't just lap it
up; he acted like he was getting dessert! He sort of scooped along the rim of each lip first, his tongue
broad and covered with barbs that lifted the pussy-hairs and combed them and stripped off the dried
stuff on them. I got hold of the pillows and pulled them under my shoulders to prop me up so I could
really see what was going on, and those hairs sprang away from his tongue glistening-clean! He did that
to both pussy-lips and up around my clit, getting every bit of the stuff off the hair.
I was all swollen already, and the way I had my legs up and out, my pussy-lips were spread way apart.
Their inner faces were sort of bulging and red and the thick fluids I'd oozed was in gooey, whitish layers.
He started licking at that stuff differently. He just dabbed at it with the front end of his tongue, picking up
a little bit at a time and shooting sparks of delight through me at the same time. He went right along one
lip, cleaning the surfaces, and then started on the other. And my hips started undulating and my boobs
surged and I panted.
The floor of my slit was like a U-shaped valley with me split so far apart, and it was swimming with
juice! He scooped at that until I was sure he was scraping skin off! But the sensations were out of this
world! I throbbed! My whole body was on fire! My cunt-mouth stretched open and pulsed and my belly
twisted and writhed. All I could do was get my hands hooked around my thighs and pull, fighting to keep
from interfering with what he was doing.
Oh, Christ, yes! I told myself. Hell, yes, he's going to make you cum!
He gobbled up just about every drop of wetness on me. Even licked around my asshole until it felt raw!
And he discovered there was some left on my clitoris. Jesus, I thought I was going right through the
ceiling! He knew what he was doing; he worked the hood back and polished its inner surfaces while the
hard, reddened little shaft quivered and the conical little head swelled and jerked. And when I thought
I'd taken all I could stand, he decided to scour the tender little cock, itself.
"Omigod!" I cried out in absolute, panicky ecstasy. "Omigod, Gunner! No, no! I can't stand that!"
He didn't pay any attention. He went right ahead and stripped off all the flavor. And my hips flogged
wildly, my legs tightening to lift me into the air. I let go of my thighs and jammed my hands between the
cushion and the side rails of the lounge, shoving until they were firmly wedged in. And my whole body
leaped with the excruciating intensity of my pleasure.
I was lucky. A clit just isn't big enough to collect much pussy-juice and he stopped pretty soon. I didn't
know I was lucky. I was ready for my orgasm-I could feel the first deep buzzing in my belly that comes
when a climax starts-and I begged him to keep at it just a little longer. But he'd got what he was after
and was looking for more. And when he found it I realized how lucky I was! I was so hot I was oozing
again, and some of the fluid had gotten out to the rim of my cunt-mouth.
He found that. Oh, Jesus, did he find it! He lapped it up and stuck his tongue into the opening for more.
And when he discovered it was there-and fresh and plentiful-he drove his tongue right on into my cunt,
twisting and curling it and probing into all the inner folds until it felt like some kind of fancy fuck I'd never
even dreamed of! It was like a whole new kind of pleasure had exploded inside me! When he was
licking my clit, the little organ was so sensitive it almost hurt, but the probing and exploring inside my cunt
didn't have any shortcoming. It simply felt fabulous! I twisted and jerked and moaned. My arms were
jammed tighter than I'd thought and I couldn't even budge them, but it didn't matter. That just gave me
more leverage and saved me from falling off the lounge.
I came. Omigod, how I came! My ass lashed up and down and my feet kicked and my belly churned ...
and then my orgasm hit me and I went totally rigid! I think my cunt practically pinched Gunner's tongue
off, it contracted so hard. I could feel the spasms in my belly, one contraction following another up the
length of my vagina like the cars of a train going through a crossing. I started to shake and couldn't stop.
And my voice did a funny thing, sort of rolling out whether I was gasping in or wheezing out. And I kept
on coming something awful!
At last he dragged his tongue out of me and stopped pushing his muzzle against my pussy and the
spasms got weaker and quit. I sagged, my muscles relaxed and warmth seeped through me. It didn't
matter if my legs were still spread and hanging over the backs of the chairs like something hung on a
clothesline-or that my arms were wedged down on either side of the lounge cushion so I couldn't move.
When my strength came back, I'd be able to figure out what to do about that.
And in the meantime, Gunner acted like he wanted to know what all the groaning had been about. He
reared up and put his forepaws on my belly and studied my face. And I grinned at him weakly and made
a kissing motion with my lips. Maybe my belly isn't steady enough, I thought when he stepped off it with
one paw at either side of my waist. I don't blame him a bit. Besides, he's heavy. He hunched his
shoulders and lowered his head and touched my mouth with his tongue. I laughed and jerked my face to
one side. I mean, who wants a dog licking her on the mouth?
There was something jabbing against my pussy-lips and I wiggled a little bit. It did feel kind of good and
I was too relaxed from that orgasm I'd wanted so badly to ask myself what it might be. I just wiggled
some more and kept turning my head from one side to the other. I giggled some, too, because that point
on my pussy kind of tickled as it poked at me. It kept getting closer and closer to my cunt-mouth,
jabbing at the slope of my pussy-lip and sliding along it toward the center, then jabbing again and sliding
some more, as if my pussy was a sort of funnel. And in a moment it got clear to the center, where it
nestled into the crater my cunt-rim made. And it pressed right up tight like a plug.
His hips had jerked some and he'd clasped my waist with his paws and tugged me toward him-well,
tugged me further under him, I suppose. And all of a sudden I stopped daydreaming and awoke to
where I was and what was going on.
jerked my hips real hard and yanked at my arms to free them. But they were still stuck, and jerking my
hips lifted me enough his paws could really slam me under him.
Slam me under him! Slam me right onto that big, slippery, sharp-pointed, stiff cock, that's what! The
point was already resting right in my cunt-mouth! And he was jabbing with his hips and when his paws
swept me under him he slid me onto his peter as if I were a sleeve going onto an arm!
I got my legs off the backs of the chairs first of all; I was going to kick him the hell off me! That was for
sure! But I couldn't really get my feet into position to do any kicking. I mean, his thighs were brushing my
ass and when I lowered my legs some I was just holding him between my thighs. And I figured that out
right off! So I pulled my knees up again and laid my thighs tight against his flanks and let him drive his
cock into me. What else could I do?
I remembered that pecker of his! It wasn't so awful big around ... not as big as Mark's ... maybe not
even as big as Will's. But it was long! I remembered! When he'd get a real hard-on, that dong would
stick almost a foot out of its sheath, red and shiny and slick with some bluish streaks on it and a long,
sharp-pointed head!
And it was sliding up my tube! It felt plenty thick! Maybe my cunt-mouth was just squeezing on it, I
don't know. But it felt thick! And it kept shoving up in me, plowing the walls of my vagina aside and
bumping into the hardness of my womb and pushing past it to the very end of my cavity! And then it
stretched the membranes and kept going!
Until I finally felt like he'd got another prick somewhere and was just using the first as a guide! He was
trying to poke something that felt like a watermelon into my cunt! God, it felt weird! And it was so big I
wanted it all of a sudden! I wrapped my legs around him and locked my ankles behind his rump and
jerked with all my strength! And we got it in.
He started fucking then. His hips jerked back and forth and his paws yanked me back and forth to the
same rhythm and slobber dripped from his tongue onto my neck and all over my face. But I didn't mind
the slobber;
I liked it. It was part of the fucking! His sheath was covered with stiff, sharp hairs, and they dug into the
quivering, taut, soft membranes all around my cunt-mouth. And the hair under his belly hung over my
belly like a thick, woolly furpiece. It tickled my boobs and made them get all hot and twitchy. And my
pussy felt like I was jamming a fox neckpiece on it. But he was fucking! His pecker was locked in, the
last enormous knob even bigger than when we forced it in, and too thick to go back through my
cunt-mouth. But there was an inch or so of shaft to slide back and forth, and his cockhead was churning
my belly and making real squirmy feelings all through my insides. And the tough piece of hide that
attached his sheath to his belly was riding on my clit and I was beside myself with lust!
I clutched him between my knees and clamped the inner sides of my feet on his haunches. His hair was
coarse and matted, and it rubbed the insides of my thighs almost raw. I buried my hands in his fur and
clenched my fists on handfuls of the thick stuff, holding myself up against him while he swept me back
and forth and pounded my twat on that marvelous, prickly sheath.
My excitement exploded. I gasped and held my breath while the spasms started all over again. My belly
writhed and I let my head hang back, rocking it from side to side as my cunt milked that glorious,
misshapen cock in my belly.
But Gunner wasn't going to be hurried. He wasn't ready yet, so he kept fucking. The trouble with that
was, I couldn't quite stop cumming. The convulsions subsided and the contractions kept right on
happening, slower and weaker, but still there. And I kept right on shaking with the ecstasy that never
happens except in a climax.
At last, he stopped pumping and simply clamped me to him, his whole body quivering and his ass
vibrating like a hand massager. It was fantastic! His cock vibrated in me! It made every organ in my
belly buzz, and it aroused an impossible level of excitement and pleasure. The sensation of that broad,
pointed spear-head shaking like that in the core of my guts drove me practically delirious with delight!
And my orgasm raged over me again.
I clung to Gunner's hairy, muscular body in a frenzy of joy at the unexpected bonus. I laughed and cried
at the same time! And when he touched my lips with his tongue I grabbed it and sucked it into my,
mouth ... and he reacted in the heat of his slow cumming to drive the long, twisting organ clear down my
His jism collected in my belly and the vibration continued and my lungs were on fire for a breath of fresh
air. But he finally began to quiet and his paws didn't haul me onto his cock quite so hard and the
vibration subsided. I was still laughing and crying at the same time. I loved that beast with a passion!
He'd come to me after that unspeakable little shit had been so treacherous and had turned a disaster into
a fabulous triumph of sensation. And he wasn't going to run all over town telling about it!
I felt like a new woman. I was exhausted, of course, and I was getting sticky from his drying slobber, but
I'd cum and had that warm, tingly, contented feeling that follows a good orgasm. I was ready for Gunner
to haul his cock out of me and let me get to the shower. Only he wasn't quite ready.
"Come on, baby!" I had to giggle at the satisfied expression around his eyes.
In fact, he was almost sickening with self-satisfaction. His face wrinkled a little around his eyes and his
ears were pricked forward and he was grinning as if he were eating horseshit in the street! He looked
down at me kind of sleepy-like as if I were a rag doll somebody had given him. And I'll be damned if he
didn't give a great, big, lazy yawn, right in my face!
"Oh, come on!" I exclaimed. "For Christ's sake, dog! Who you think you are? Come on, get that peter
out of me and let me get up!"
Well, he acted like he was thinking about it. Then he hunched himself a little bit and braced his paws on
the cushion and pulled back with his haunches.
"It didn't budge!" I yelled at him. Je-sus! I thought. Now what! The sonofabitch is stuck!
He tugged a little harder and that huge, bulging, iron-hard knot at the back of his cock didn't even begin
to move.
Oh, shit! I always thought dogs getting stuck had something to do with spasms in the bitch! I began to
It looked like he was, too. His grin gave way to a troubled look and he began to jerk on his cock. And
that thing! ... that great, long, wonderful thing! ... it didn't even feel any softer than the moment he shoved
it into me! His tugging didn't accomplish anything but pull my ass off the end of the lounge. I was hanging
from him, impaled on an oversized cock, with my arms still wedged between cushion and side rail. Only
they were beyond my head, now, like I was going to be spread-eagled.
He kept on jerking and backing. Every time he tried and his pecker didn't move, he half yelped, then
whimpered and looked at me as if I were just hanging onto him out of spite. He pulled harder, really
putting his shoulders into pushing away from the lounge, and my arms came loose from their trap.
"No!" I yelled, but it was too late. Maybe it wouldn't ever have been on time.
He pulled me right off the lounge. I tumbled under him, my cunt crushed tight against his sheath and my
legs in the air over his back and my shoulders resting on the floor. The tension inside my pussy was
fierce! I locked my ankles over his back again and took the weight off his pecker and my twat. And the
sonofabitch started backing all over the sun porch with me!
I groaned. Oh, you dirty bastard! I thought. I know that guy next door can see your back when you go
near the window! And there my feet are, hanging on! What's he going to think about that! Maybe it
didn't matter. What mattered was how long it was going to be before I'd get off his cock. Or maybe
how long it was going to be before I'd have to scream for help and some dirty-minded Goddamn doctor
was going to have to give Gunner a shot to make his cock shrink!
I didn't laugh any more. I just cried. And he just dragged me around. He was getting frantic, too! He
was stepping over me and trying to walk forward and making my body twist into impossible shapes and
scaring hell out of me!
I got so panicky and so exhausted with my legs clamped around him the way they were-and that
monstrous, iron-rod cock still levering around in the middle of my belly and its unbelievable knot hung up
at my cunt-mouth-that I began to think I was going to faint! If you do! ... I warned myself. You faint, you
stupid bitch, and he's going to yank all your guts right out through your snatch!
But before I came that close to losing consciousness, I did feel a tiny twitch of movement at my cunt-rim.
There was just the faintest sensation of slipping. I gasped and tightened the grip of my legs; anything I
could do to help that awful swelling on his pecker to go down was worth doing! And little by little, it did
shrink, until I finally began to slip off his cock.
Jesus! What a marvelous feeling! I thought. Better coming out than going in! It seemed like a lot longer
dick, too. It kept coming out and coming out and coming out until I wondered if I'd had the head in my
mouth! But I finally was able to let go all the way with my legs and drop to the floor. And Gunner could
step back and eye me with an injured expression. And his Goddamn pecker actually touched the floor!
Well, I was maybe more exhausted than I'd ever been in my life, but I scrambled out from under him and
across the sun porch and into the bathroom in record time! I left him while he was flopping down and
starting to lick his cock ... probably asking it if it realized what it had gotten into.

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