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Re: My brothers' best friend

Posted: 15 Sep 2015 13:34
by romantic_story
Chapter 6

The next day

I woke up and did my daily school routine. It didn't really hit me until Damian and I got to the school that today was the day Chris and I start "dating." Just my luck, today he had parked his car next to my brothers parking spot. He was leaning against the hood of the car with his hands in his pockets. I'm guessing he was waiting for me. He straightened out once my brothers' car was in sight, Chris grinned. My brother rolled his eyes. Before I could even get out of the car, my brother grabbed my hand, gesturing me to look at him.

I looked at him, his eyes were full of nothing but sorrow and despair.
"What's up?" I asked him.
Even though he told me not to get him involved he would get involved on his own anyways. He protects me like he protects his PlayStation.
"Please Paige, please don't get hurt."
I shook my head.
"I won't. I swear." I promised him.
I was lying. I didn't know if I was going to get hurt or not. I wasn't even sure if I could keep up with this game. I was going to try my hardest though, this is for my brother. I leaned over and gave him a side hug. I emerged from his car as he did the same. Before I could go over to Chris, my brother was already there.

I would've thought he would say something to him but no words were spoken. All they did was bro hug then Damian went back to his car, waiting for his friends I suppose. I took in a deep breath and walked over to him. He pulled me toward him and brought me into a very tight hug. I got my backpack from the floor and put the straps on both shoulders. He did the same. Then he intertwined our fingers together as we walked into the school.

I was gasping for air. I didn't know what the people inside would say or do. I mean, people outside are already looking and talking among themselves. My breathing got heavier and my knees got fragile. He opened one of the two double doors and let go of my hand so I could go in. When we both got in he took my hand again and walked over to where Abigail was. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closely to him, not letting me go. His arm was still on my waist when we found Abigail. She almost spilled her Gatorade when she saw us.
"Wow." she said.
I could tell she was speechless. I shook my head with a straight face and looked at the ceiling.
"I didn't think you guys would umm actually go for it. But congrats to both of you."
I glared at her. Why did I do this? What's the point of this? To get hurt? No. I didn't want to get hurt but I was already involved. So if I called all of this off, I knew that I would lose. I didn't want to get humiliated in front of the whole school... under any circumstances.

Chris's P.O.V

I looked at her. She has pain, anger and sadness in her eyes. You name it, she probably had it. I grinned at myself though. This is way to easy, in a couple days she's going to break. I feel bad for Damian because once I win and humiliate her, he's not going to be able to do anything about it. He's going to have to stand there, on the side lines, hopeless. That's the only thing I'm worried about, losing my best friend. I dropped that feeling because I knew what I was going to do. I was going to talk to Damian after school, just to make sure that there's no hard feelings.

After school
Chris's P.O.V

I headed toward my car alone. Usually, I would have Jean on my side but to tell you the truth, it feels good to be alone. I don't have to hear that overly high-pitched voice anymore or those annoying heels clicking on the cement. I waited for Paige to come out of the school so I could drive her home but her brother came out first. I waved him over. He gave me a confused look but walked toward my car.
"What do you need man?" He asked as we shook hands.
"I gotta talk to you man, I'll be over at your house and I'll take Paige home if you would like." I sincerely said.
He nodded.
"Yeah, I'll be at home, see you there."
I bobbed my head as he got into his car and drove off. Shortly after, Paige walked out, hugged Abigail and walked over to my car.
"Where did Damian go?" she asked as I gave her a tight hug.
"I'm taking you home today." I smiled.
She tensed up but got into the car anyways. I just really hope that whatever happens, Damian and I stay friends without it being awkward.

Re: My brothers' best friend

Posted: 15 Sep 2015 13:35
by romantic_story
Chapter 7

Paige's P.O.V

The drive home with Chris was awkward and silent. He would try to break the silence once in a while but would stop talking after I would give him one word answers. I was just completely out of it today. I looked out the window and saw the trees passing by. The leaves were trickling water from the big storm we had when school was in secession. It was still raining but it was manageable. Here during winter, the temperature drops down dramatically low and it rains up to 2 weeks in a row.

"Are you hungry?" Chris asked looking my way.
"Yeah." those one word answers.
Chris pulled up to the drive-thru of my favorite little hamburger restaurant named "Danny's Delicious Hamburgers" Let me just tell you, their hamburgers were indeed very delicious. He got us a complete meal, including one for Damian. I knew Damian would appreciate it. I put the food on my lap and the drinks went inside the cup holders. I looked out the window again and started thinking of Chris.

I know for a fact that Chris has a little soft stop inside of his heart somewhere. My goal wasn't to win anymore. My new goal was to bring out that soft spot in his heart so he could see how much of a jerk he's being. He needs to realize that playing girls isn't right. It hurts us and we are left scarred for life because of guys like him. We lose the certainty we once had for guys because of people like him. We forgot how it feels to sense fondness, warmth and attachment to a person. So that's my objective, to make him stop playing girls.

I got the food off the car while he got the drinks. I quickly got my hamburger, fries and my drink and headed upstairs without saying another word. I wasn't mad, just too deep in thought to speak. I opened my door, walked in and silently closed it behind me with my foot. I set my food down on my lamp side table and picked up my picture frame of my family. My mom, my dad, Damian and I. I thought of the day when my parents passed away; I looked at the floor in disbelief. I put the picture back in its place trying to forget that moment of my life that never seems to leave me. I turned the t.v on, laid on my bed and started eating. The hamburger tasted like heaven in my mouth.

Chris's P.O.V

I watched as Paige went up to her room, she seemed to have been lost in thought. I shrugged my shoulders while looking at Damian and took out my food.
"Thanks for the food man, I owe you." Damian smiled.
I chuckled.
"It's fine, that's what bro's are for." I said.
We both sat down at the table.
"So what did you want to talk to me about?" Damian cross-examined.
"I wanted to talk to you about this game Paige and I are playing."
Damian exhaled.
"Look man, you know that I love my sister. You know that she always comes first in my life. I just can't imagine my sister getting hurt, especially by my best friend." Damian said.
I stayed quiet. He went on.

"She just hasn't been the same since my parent died. I don't know what to do anymore man. And if she gets hurt then I feel like she's going to go into more of a depression."
I looked at him, he really did care for Paige.
"I'm not going to humiliate her Damian. I just said that to scare her."
He shook his head.
"That doesn't matter Chris, what if she falls for you anyways."
I stared at him. Yeah, what if.

Paige's P.O.V

I finished my hamburger wanting more. I walked downstairs with my trash and turned the corner into the kitchen but stopped when I heard Chris and Damian talking. All I heard was Damian say, "That doesn't matter Chris, what if she falls for you anyways." I almost barfed everything out. My brother thinks i'm going to fall in love with Chris? I wanted to laugh. I wouldn't fall for him even if this world depended on it. I refuse to fall in love with him, I refuse. I waited for a minute then walked in loudly making sure they knew I was coming. They automatically stopped talking about me and changed the subject, like if I didn't hear.
"So are we going to watch the hockey game this weekend?" Damian asked Chris.
"Yeah, hopefully this Kings win." He smiled.
Wait what? Chris? Smiling? This is the first. He's never smiled before, it's always been more of a grin.

I starred at them in confusion, playing along. I knew they were talking about this ridiculous problem I got myself into with Chris but why? Damian specifically told me not to get him involved. I wasn't going to get him involved anyways. I smiled at them then left the kitchen. Right after I turned the corner, my smile turned into a frown.

Maybe my brother is right, what if I accidentally fall in love with Chris?

Re: My brothers' best friend

Posted: 15 Sep 2015 13:35
by romantic_story
Chapter 8

Thursday Night

I didn't even get my clothes ready for school tomorrow since I'm not going. Tomorrow is the last day of school, then our 1 month of winter break starts and it's usually rare when people do go to school on that Friday. I was frustrated not only at Damian and Chris but at myself also. I was frustrated at Damian for not believing in me, I was frustrated at Chris for thinking I'll one day love him and lastly I was frustrated at myself for doubting myself. I sighed at myself then I got my bed ready. I lowered down the volume on my t.v when I heard Damian and Chris coming upstairs.

"So Damian, I was wondering if I could sleep over tonight." Chris wondered.
"Yeah, you know this is your house. You're welcome to sleep over when you want." Damian acknowledged.
Oh well they just made my night. Chris would be sleeping in the guest bedroom which is literally next to mine. I rolled my eyes and covered my face with my pillow. Chris would probably be sleeping over all of winter break, ruining my time away from him at school.

I put in the movie "Devils Due" turned off all the lights then got under my covers. I saw that the light underneath the crack of my door was no longer shining. They went to sleep? I kept watching the movie not really paying attention to how scary it was. I was still thinking of ways to get Chris to open up to me. I looked at my clock. It was 11:30 p.m. My door creaked open making me go pale. Then I saw Chris come in and I relaxed a little bit.
"What are you doing in here?" I whispered/yelled.
"You're my girlfriend remember?" He winked.
I rolled my eyes. Disgust filled my whole body.
"So? That doesn't give you the privilege to come into my room."
I sat up and with the controller I paused the movie.
"Come on, let me stay in here for a while." Chris begged.
"Fine." I sighed.
I moved only enough so that he would have room to lay on my bed. He got under the covers with me but I made sure to keep my distance. I in no way wanted him to even touch me. He grabbed my hand and with one hand started to massage it. I felt a little bit uneasy and wanted to snatch my hand away then throw him out of my room but I just decided not to do anything.

I started the movie over again so that he could watch it and I could pay attention to what actually happened. About 15 minutes in, I was already hugging his arm and hiding my face in his chest. I was such a baby when it came to scary movies, I hated them. I don't even know why I got this movie. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. His body was warm and his scent was rather pleasing. He stroked my arm, comforting me. It feels really good having someone there to protect you, or at least that's how it felt. I don't know why but for some reason, I felt really safe when I was in his arms, it's something I'll never be able to explain. He sent chills up my body. He might of taken that for shivers because the next thing he did was take off his hoodie and gave it to me.

I shook my head.
"No it's okay. You keep it. I have one in my closet."
He snickered.
"Yeah, you would have to get out of this comfortable bed just to get a hoodie."
He had a point. I took the hoodie from his hands and put it on. I went back to the position I was in, cuddling against Chris. I felt really weird in this position but at the same time it felt right.
"You don't have to pretend." Chris said in a lowered voice.
I stayed quiet for a little bit watching the movie, demented.
"What do you mean?" I questioned.
"You don't need to act strong. I'm here for you."
He was acting right? This was all part of his "Falling in love with me and getting humiliated in front of whole school" plan. A tear escaped from my eye but I quickly brushed it away with my finger.
"Thanks." I replied.
I didn't know what else to say. I was tongue-tied. We kept watching the movie. He ran his finger up and down my back which made me feel drowsy. Chris saw that I was getting tired.
"Go to sleep." his voice soothing.
"I don't want to leave you alone." I whispered.
"It's okay. I'll go to sleep too."
I nodded. He got out of my bed and was heading toward the door.
"Wait!" I yelled.

He closed the door and turned around to look at me.
"Can you just sleep in here for tonight?" I asked, hopeful.
He chuckled but nodded. He got under the covers with me again and turned off the light. I snuggled up against him and rested my head on his chest, slowly falling asleep knowing that I was protected overnight