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Re: Story of a Not-So-Romantic Girl

Posted: 04 Aug 2015 15:37
by sexy
Story of a Not-So-Romantic-Girl - Chapter 9

Olivia was standing in the balcony of her room. She had woken up a few minutes ago, a little before her alarm for the day rang. The weather outside was very pleasing with cool gentle morning breeze that played with her hair. It mirrored how she was feeling that morning - calm and somewhat happy. She stood there keeping her eyes closed and inhaled the air deeply.

'Nothing can spoil my mood today' she thought to herself.

The day went by smoothly and it was her last class for the day. It was not a part of her academics, but she really loved reading and had hence joined a literature class.
Miss Turing, their literature teacher, entered the classroom and was looking rather pleased.

"Listen up students," she waited for the murmuring to stop.

"I have been selected to attend a workshop on literature from the Victorian era. I'll be leaving for a span of three weeks." The whole class applauded for her.

"Now I've decided to give you a project to work on in my absence. It will be a team project. So first thing you need to do is divide yourselves into teams of twos."

There was an excited chatter as everyone started teaming up. Olivia didn't know anyone well enough in the class. Being an extracurricular thing for her, she never really even tried to see who all was in her class.

"So everyone's got a partner?" Miss Turing asked.

"I'm left. But I can do the project alone," Olivia said raising her hand.

"Let's see umm..." Miss Turing looked at her attendance sheet.

"There's a student absent today. His name is Russell, you both can team up."

"OK, so what each of you have to do is choose any fictional character. Write a character sketch on them. Give your opinion on what the character would be like if they existed in the present time. At last, the team partners have to hypothesis a conversation between their respective characters supposing they meet today."

'Please God. Let it be some other Russell,' Olivia prayed as Miss Turing cleared any doubts students had about the project.

Olivia was going to her car to drive back home. On reaching the parking lot, she saw Russell standing next to her car and frowned, "What is he doing here?"

"I won't spoil my mood arguing with him," she took a deep breath as she reached her car.

"What do you want Russell?" She asked rudely. "So much for not starting a fight," she cursed her rude tone.

Russell was a bit offended by her rudeness, but chose to avoid it and said calmly, "I think, we started on quite a wrong note. So how about I apologize for my previous behavior and we start fresh with some ice cream? My treat?" He knew ice cream sounded very kiddish, but he didn't want it to seem as if he were asking her out on a date or something because he knew then she would definitely refuse.

'What does he want from me this time,' she looked at him suspiciously.

"Are you being nice because of the project?"

"What project?"

"Are you in a literature class that you bunked today?" Olivia questioned really hoping that he would say no.

"Yes. What about it?"

"I'm in the class too and Miss Turing gave a team project and apparently we are stuck with each other."

"Well, that's just even more reason why we should start fresh," Russell smiled.

"Okay, but we go by my car," she agreed fully aware that he would never take no for an answer.

"Fine," he said moving towards the driver's seat.

"No way. I'm going to drive," she sat in the driver's seat before he could argue.

She drove to an ice cream parlor called Chillz. There she ordered a hot fudge brownie sundae while Russell ordered a choco-mint sundae.

Olivia explained Russell all about the assignment as they ate their sundaes. She finished her sundae and was looking at Russell eat.

"Don't even think," Russell pulled his ice cream bowl closer to him.

"Try to stop me," Olivia smirked as she took a huge bite from his ice cream.

Before she could put the spoon in her mouth, Russell gripped her wrist, pulled the spoon towards himself and licked the ice cream a little. "Go ahead. Eat as much as you like."

"That's so mean," she said in a child-like voice sticking out her lower lip.

"Fine you can have it, you cute little monster." He gave her a 'I-know-it's-a-trick' look and kept the bowl towards her.

"I don't know what's more offending. Cure, little or monster," Olivia pretended to be hurt.

"Well, I guess you are a little monster, so the only offensive adjective was cute," laughed Russell.

"How dare you?" She looked at him angrily. When he didn't stop laughing, she took some ice cream and smeared it across his whole face.

"See, you ARE a little monster!" He exclaimed and went to the washroom to clean up.

By the time, he came back his ice cream was gone. He looked at his bowl and then at Olivia who poked her tongue out to tease him.

Instead of passing a snarly comment as Olivia had expected, he stretched out his hand, "Friends?"

Olivia smiled and nodded, but instead of shaking hands with him she made a fist and motioned for a fist bump.

"Friends!" She said as their fists collided.

"Now since you didn't let me bring my car, you will have to drop me back to college parking, so that I can take my car," he said slowly moving his hand through his hair, a bit embarrassed to ask for a ride.

"Oh ya sure. I totally forgot about that."

They were about to enter the parking area when Olivia saw a girl standing next to Russell's car.

"Looks like your girlfriend is waiting for you and boy does she look angry!" Olivia exclaimed.


Re: Story of a Not-So-Romantic Girl

Posted: 04 Aug 2015 15:40
by sexy
Story of a Not-So-Romantic-Girl - Chapter 9 (Part 2)
Sorry it took a little long but here is the rest of chapter 9 'Friends'.
They were about to enter the parking area when Olivia saw a girl standing next to Russell's car.
"Looks like your girlfriend is waiting for you and boy does she look angry!" Olivia exclaimed.
"What? Who?" Russell looked out the window baffled.
"Shit! Turn the car around. I'll explain later but let's get out of here first." Russell almost yelled while ducking under the car's dashboard.


"Woah!! What was that?"

"I hope she didn't see us," Russell sighed sitting back straight.

"Why did we just run from her?"

"She is my ex... and it's a long story."

"Ohk... Now it makes sense why she is so crazy."

Russell was thankful she didn't try asking him for any details but at the same time was puzzled by her absence of curiosity. 'First time someone didn't ask me what the long story was!' He thought.

"I know she never really got over me." Russell smirked.

"I meant anyone would go crazy if they were in relationship with you." Olivia said with a completely expressionless face.

"But WE never dated so how come you are so crazy." Russell teased making a quizzical expression.

"Hey!! I'm not that crazy. Weird maybe but not at all bitchy crazy like her."

"Relax! I was just kidding," Russell rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, what about your car now?"

"I will get it tomorrow. Can you drop me to my apartment?" Requested Russell.

"Sure, but first ask me nicely."

"Please drop me to my place." Russell batted his eyes.

"No. Try again." Olivia said trying to stifle a giggle.

"Are you really gonna make me beg?"

"Why not? Consider it a little payback for how you treated me earlier."

"I thought we were past that. Look you were a fresher so it was my duty to trouble you, maybe I got little overboard with it but are you really going to hold on to that?"

"Duty? Really? That's what you call it?" Scoffed Olivia.
"Dude, you really need to learn how to ask people for help."
"Anyway, I was just kidding with you. I'll drop you to your place."


Olivia drove as Russell gave directions. It was fifteen minutes past five when they finally halted in front of a building.

"Thanks for the ride. Bye," said Russell getting out of the car.

"Bye... Oh I forgot. We need to figure out how we will do the project. So think of some ideas and we will also have to coordinate our timings..." Olivia got out of the car.

"It's just a literature assignment. Don't be so hyper. Chill out!"

"Yeah, you are right when you are there to do all the work why should I be worried."

"Hey, no need to be..."

"Listen I took literature for fun. But since I'm stuck doing this project with you I can't relax."

"OK. Come we will work up a plan today itself." 'God this girl needs to learn to chill out a bit.'

"Good. So.."

"I'm not discussing the plan standing here. Let's go inside and then talk about the project."

"Fine." Olivia replied after checking her watch.


Olivia looked around with a blank face. She didn't understand what to make of Russell's house. She wasn't even sure if she should call it house or just apartment. It was a two bedroom apartment with a spacious lobby and an open kitchen cum dining room. The whole place had a very impersonalised touch to it. It was evident that he lived alone. The place gave a strangely dull vibe despite the good infrastructure. Feeling a bit awkward Olivia sat on the couch and placed her bag on the small coffee table in front of her.
"So?" Russell asked sitting on a bean bag in front of the table.

"OK. So we will need to coordinate our work for the assignment to work. How about we meet every alternate day, discuss our ideas and progress accordingly?"

"Are you using the project as an excuse to meet me?" Asked Russell narrowing his eyes.

'Wow, he is so self-obsessed.' Olivia thought
"Ya. You are so awesome. I just can't stay away from you." She commented.

"I'm so tired of hearing girls say that." Russell sighed

"If you are done joking, may we concentrate on the project?" Olivia was getting irritated now.

'She is so cute. She gets annoyed so easily.' Russell thought.

"Fine. Which character do you want to choose?"

"I haven't thought of that yet. What do you think?"

"I don't know. Let's think of some classic characters first."

After a little discussing and a lot of arguing, they had a list of 15-20 characters which included Sherlock Holmes, professor Moriarty, Emma, Lestat, Jane Eyre, Lyra Silvertongue, James Bond, Hannibal Lecter, Charlotte, Hermione Granger, Moll Flanders, Alex Rider, Gandalf the gray and a few more.

"I think we have more than enough characters to choose from now." Said Russell.

"Hmm. What's the time?" Asked Olivia stretching her arms over her head.

"It's about 8."

"Oh! I should leave now. We can discuss further later." Olivia picked up her bag and walked towards the door.

"So we meet tomorrow?" Asked Russell.

"No, I might be busy tomorrow. How about I text you when we can continue the discussion?"

"Sure," Russell replied.